Friends of Multiculturalism
Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
TLN Media Group proudly welcomed Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau to our Montreal office on the occasion of ‘Semaine Italienne’. TLN host Camila Gonzalez conducted an exclusive interview with the PM to discuss diversity in media, Italian and Hispanic culture and the overall contributions of the country’s thriving ethnic groups to Canadian society. We salute and thank our Prime Minister for supporting multiculturalism in Canadian media, sport and society. We stand with you.
Hon. Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage
TLN’s Camila Gonzalez interviews the Minister of Canadian Heritage, the Honourable Pablo Rodriquez, as they discuss Canadian culture in an ever-changing media landscape. Rodriquez explains his unique position as minister in creating opportunities for artists, writers and all creators in Canada while giving them a platform to connect to communities.
Hon. Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Minister Hussen tells his personal story about being a newcomer in Canada as well as what multiculturalism means to him.
Patricia Hajdu, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour
Patricia Hajdu, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, spoke with TLN Media Group about the diversity of her riding, Thunder Bay – Superior North and the impact of immigrants on Canada’s economy and infrastructure development. Minister Hajdu continues to support Canada’s rich history of inclusion and multiculturalism as she expresses her thoughts on the importance of ethnic media to Canadians and the country as a whole.
David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
David Lametti Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada holds one of the most powerful offices in our Government. He shares his stories about his immigrant family roots and his thoughts on the role of ethnic media in Canada and optimism about its future.
Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development
Minister Jean-Yves Duclos discusses how Canada is a global leader in multiculturalism, tolerance and hope.
David Rocco
Media personality, Executive Producer and Founder, Rockhead Entertainment

It is extremely important to me that Canada’s national multicultural TV channel be created and controlled by immigrant Canadians rather than media and telecom mega companies for whom multicultural programming is not a
first priority.
“It is extremely important to me that Canada’s national multicultural TV channel be created and controlled by immigrant Canadians rather than media and telecom mega companies for whom multicultural programming is not a first priority. In particular, big mega companies that have cut back their multicultural service both in terms of quantity and quality, and refused to fulfill expectations or account for many decades of accumulated financial surpluses, should not be awarded a renewed mandate to run what in our opinion could be the most important TV channel the CRTC will ever license. “
Michael Bryant
35th Attorney General of Ontario, 2nd Ontario Minister of Indigenous Affairs
Executive Director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association

We know that Canada itself lacks an international flagship TV channel, accessible to all Canadians worldwide, to inform and educate citizens of the world about Canadian issues, opportunities and culture.
“I have known Aldo Di Felice President of TLN Media Group, for decades. I have long been impressed with his international network and knowledge. I am not surprised to learn of his key role in establishing the CanadaWorld TV proposal. I am especially pleased that he has included a vision for CanadaWorld that is innovative and necessary: to export itself internationally beyond the domestic market, to reach the diaspora of its citizens worldwide, so as to act as a media ambassador for the country. We know that Canada itself lacks an international flagship TV channel, accessible to all Canadians worldwide, to inform and educate citizens of the world about Canadian issues, opportunities and culture.”
Jeffrey W. Lem
Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

I am unequivocally certain that CanadaWorldTV is the right choice for a multi-ethnic television service . . .
“I am also very familiar with Telelatino Network Inc. and its exemplary record of ethnic broadcasting for the Italian and Spanish communities. I am unequivocally certain that CanadaWorldTV is the right choice for a multi-ethnic television service which will also service the Chinese-Canadian community.”
Nayeli Chaparro
Radio/TV Host and Producer, Nash Productions, Alberta
We know there’s a need for more Canadian content in different languages, promoting respect and diversity.
“As a Radio/TV host and producer based in Calgary…, I have had the pleasure of covering events for the Hispanic community in British Columbia and Alberta since 2012. As a content producer I am always looking to educate and inspire people to become the best version of themselves by interviewing experts in different areas of life. We feel we are connecting new Canadians to services and knowledge in their mother tongue to help them feel more comfortable in Canada while giving them tools to help them succeed as new Canadians. We know there’s a need for more Canadian content in different languages, promoting respect and diversity.
Operated by a dedicated ethnic TV group, CanadaWorld TV can be a powerful new voice. This important service will not get lost in the balance sheet of a multibillion dollar telecommunications company. It will not be controlled by the same giant companies that already dominate the media and telecom industry in Canada“
Pardeep S. Nagra
Sikh Heritage Museum of Canada
We are confident that [ATN}, along with their partners, have the necessary experience to properly and successfully operate this channel
“The Sikh Heritage Museum of Canada is dedicated to advancing and promoting knowledge, understanding and preservation of the cultural and religious life of our people…We are committed to building a strong and diverse community that promotes harmony, friendship and understanding…We are confident that [ATN}, along with their partners, have the necessary experience to properly and successfully operate this channel. We strongly encourage and urge you to approve this proposal through the granting of the license.”
Trish Browning
Toronto Caribbean Newspaper
Our organization is a bi-weekly newspaper publication that provides news to the Caribbean Community here in Toronto. We support this application by ATN and its partners
Maria Vorobieva
International Public Affairs, Russian-Canadian
. . . I am fully aware of an urgent need for Canadian viewers to have a universal TV channel for everyone regardless of ethnic origin and language.
“I am presently working at SkyPower Global, the largest global solar energy developer. Prior to this I served as a Senior Regional Advisor, Multiculturalism, to Canadian Federal Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, and prior to that for over 5 years I worked as a Vice President, Business Development at Ethnic Channels Group, international television rebroadcaster in USA and Canada. Because of my extensive international media background and daily interactions with representatives of multicultural communities representatives residing in Canada, I am fully aware of an urgent need for Canadian viewers to have a universal TV channel for everyone regardless of ethnic origin and language. This channel can become a platform for multicultural communication, for exchange of opinions as well an opportunity to create on Canadian voice comprised of multilingual contributors. I fully support this great initiative.”
Lydia Jimenez
CEO, Palabok House, Alberta
Introduction of news and information programming from a Canadian point of view on CanadaWorld TV specifically for the Filipino language community will meet an unfilled need and will be widely appreciated by the community.
Anthony Di Caita
President & CEO, Villa Charities Inc.
On behalf of Villa Charities Inc., I would like to personally offer my full support for…CanadaWorld TV
“On behalf of Villa Charities Inc., I would like to personally offer my full support for…CanadaWorld TV…Villa Charities is a registered charity and non-profit organization that celebrates and promotes the Italian Heritage, Culture, Language, Arts, Food and Family Values. Villa Charities, for almost 50 years, has played an important part in supporting and representing the Italian community.”
Neena Obhari
Chair BOT, Hindu Society of Calgary, Alberta
It is our view that ATN and its partners would be very successful with this license and they would definitely conduct themselves in a very responsible manner.
“ATN has been and continues a pride for our community as a broadcaster. They have many years of experience in the field of multicultural broadcasting. They have also done thousands of messages free of cost for various communities across Canada. It is our view that ATN and its partners would be very successful with this license and they would definitely conduct themselves in a very responsible manner.”
Chander Sheikhar
President, Council of India Societies of Edmonton, Alberta
ATN has been and continues a pride for our community as a broadcaster. They have many years of experience in the field of multicultural broadcasting.
“Our main objective is to safeguard, promote, and support the Indian cultural, Social, General Interest and Well-being of Albertan Of Indian Origin. ATN has been and continues a pride for our community as a broadcaster. They have many years of experience in the field of multicultural broadcasting. They have also done thousands of messages free of cost for various communities across Canada. It is our view that ATN and its partners would be very successful with this license and they would definitely conduct themselves in a very responsible manner.”
Manlio Cupo
Founder and Editor, Ital Press Ltd., British Columbia
Today, with Canada being made up of many cultures, CanadaWorld TV would be a home for all of its ethnic communities
“We understand the growing racial and ethnic diversity of Canada, which is why our magazine addresses a new, multicultural generation of advertisers and readers. As an immigrant myself, I always appreciated finding something on TV in my native language. It gave me comfort and made me feel like a piece of my homeland was always with me. The TLN Network did this for me. Today, with Canada being made up of many cultures, CanadaWorld TV would be a home for all of its ethnic communities. The diversity and inclusion that a channel like this can bring, is indisputable, which is why I strongly support this important TV channel for Canada.”
Anup Singh Jubbal
President and CEO, Canadian Eyesight Global, British Columbia
We are really proud of the dedication and dynamic leadership of ATN uniting the Multi-Cultural communities for decades in Canada by way of their programming and Public Service Announcements.
Ronaldo Opina
President & CEO, West Alexander Enterprise Ltd., Manitoba
We are confident that CanadaWorld TV will be successful in their news and programming nationwide.
“We express our support to CanadaWorld TV as we see them filling in the need of a huge multicultural community that has long been unheard. Through them, we will see more content that would be appreciated by a diverse community. We are confident that CanadaWorld TV will be successful in their news and programming nationwide.”
Vangie Caolie
Chairperson, Philippine Festival Council on Alberta – Fiesta Filipino, Alberta
Inclusion of news and information programs from a Canadian point of view on CanadaWorld TV that is meant for the Filipino community will help address content gaps.
“We are the largest Filipino organization that hosts the yearly Fiesta Filipino Festival in Alberta. Each year, we gather over 50,000 individuals to celebrate the Filipino heritage and culture….Inclusion of news and information programs from a Canadian point of view on CanadaWorld TV that is meant for the Filipino community will help address content gaps.”
Ivan Wanis Ruiz
Owner/ Operator, Speaking and Communications Services
I think that both Telelatino and Asian Television Network International have shown that an independent TV business model can work and can be both sustainable and profitable
“My support for CanadWorld TV comes from a few places. First I think that both Telelatino and Asian Television Network International have shown that an independent TV business model can work and can be both sustainable and profitable…Secondly I think it is important and beneficial to support competition by combining the efforts of CBC with these sustainable networks with loyal audiences we can leverage them and expose them to broader audiences: encouraging a multicultural, Canadian identity.”
Mary Ashok
Managing Director, Dancing Damsels Inc., Ontario
We are confident that [ATN], together with their partners, have the necessary experience to properly operate this channel.
“Our members belong to various ethnic and multicultural group in and around the GTA. We are non-political and inclusive of anyone irrespective of race, religion, or orientation. ATN has always helped Dancing Damsels reach out to the community through their media coverage and support. We are confident that they, together with their partners, have the necessary experience to properly operate this channel. They have supported and satisfied our entire community over the years and we can honestly say that they have the experience to do the same in a very successful manner with this new channel.”
Ramesh Bangalore
Volunteer, Sri Krishna Brundavana Religious and Charitable Institution, Ontario
ATN has assisted our community in a professional manner with informative programs over the years at no charge.
“ATN is very close to the hearts of all our devotees. Ever since the inception of this organization around 2010 in Scarborough, we have had many events and ATN has given coverage of our events coast to coast. Our devotees enjoy the devotional programs on the channel covering the events around GTA. ATN has assisted our community in a professional manner with informative programs over the years at no charge. Our Swamiji, His Holiness Sri Sri Sugenendra Theertha Swamiji from Udupi in Karnataka India has visited Toronto and was interviewed on TV. This interview was given wide coverage. We are confident that ATN and its partners in this application would do justice to our multicultural communities with this license.”
Mark Burko
VP Sales, Airtime Television Sales, Ontario
. . . there is a definite need for CanadaWorld TV. In our changing Canadian world where everything is not just English or French, the need is out there.
“Our company has been in business for almost 30 years and we have worked with the fine people of Telelatino various times over those years, We are in the National sales part of the television business and in talking to the National advertising community there is a definite need for CanadaWorld TV. In our changing Canadian world where everything is not just English or French, the need is out there.”
Deane Cameron
President & CEO, The Corporation of Massey Hall & Roy Thomson Hall, Ontario
By bringing together leaders of Canada’s multicultural broadcasting industry, CanadaWorld TV is poised to deliver meaningful content to many communities across Canada.
“We offer programming that reflects the various communities we serve and this has led to our collaboration with those media outlets with strong and authentic connections to their culturally specific audiences. We have collaborated with Asian Television Network on many cultural offerings to great mutual success. Our experience have underscored the longstanding trust and connection that has made between audiences and their relevant and resonant programming, as well as the astute business sense demonstrated by Shan Chandrasekar, the President and CEO of Asian Television Network. The trust between Asian Television Network and their audiences is authentic and was built over many years of commitment to community.
The spirit of collaboration demonstrated in our relationship with Asian Television Network now extends to this forward-thinking application. By bringing together leaders of Canada’s multicultural broadcasting industry, CanadaWorld TV is poised to deliver meaningful content to many communities across Canada. We believe that audiences not only want to see themselves reflected in the programming on offer, but also by those behind the programming. CanadaWorld TV not only accomplishes this, but does so with the added benefit of decades of experience and trust.”
Frank Chiarotto
Retired Executive, Ontario Power Generation, Ontario
The introduction of a new multicultural telecommunication network is very positive to our Italian Canadian population . . .
“The introduction of a new multicultural telecommunication network is very positive to our Italian Canadian population that is representative of the VCI and Affiliate organizations, as I am sure it would be to the many other cultural organizations in the GTA and Ontario. I fully support this initiative.”
Nelson Costa
Senior Manger, Mindshare, Ontario
CanadaWorld TV would prove a great addition to Canadian media landscape and help provide more multicultural options and competition in the market.
“I have worked in the advertising business for approximately 20 years and have witnessed the power and relevance of multi-ethnic television services. Clients are always looking to expand into other demographics and breakthrough into ethnic markets. When advertising to ethnic groups in their mother tongue the message is received and understood well and creates an excellent brand image with the consumer because it shows the brand cares enough to put out a message in their language. These stations are important for immigrants that come into Canada. Since the cutbacks to the News programming on the OMNI channels, there has not been a station that has come into the market to fill that void. CanadaWorld TV would prove a great addition to Canadian media landscape and help provide more multicultural options and competition in the market. Telelatino Network and ATN have been providing ethnic services through their stations for years and are also the perfect companies to spearhead this new National network into Canada.”
Cristian de la Rosa
Owner and Creative Director, Cinemasiete Productions, Ontario
The true essence of being Canadian is being provided an opportunity to stay informed and plugged into Canadian society with Canadian news and information in our own native languages.
“As a Canadian born in Cuba, I truly understand the importance of a TV channel such as Canada World TV, dedicated to and created for Canada’s multilingual and multi-ethnic communities. I support CanadaWorld TV because it’s a much needed service for all Canadians regardless of ethnic origin and language. The true essence of being Canadian is being provided an opportunity to stay informed and plugged into Canadian society with Canadian news and information in our own native languages.”
Julie Dzerowicz
Member of Parliament, Davenport
CanadaWorld TV would be a valuable addition to Canada’s existing media landscape.
“The organizations behind the CanadaWorld TV application are trusted multicultural leaders with a long history of dedicated public service, and I am confident that – along with their partners at CBC/Radio-Canada – CanadaWorld TV would be a valuable addition to Canada’s existing media landscape.”
Jaime Escallon-Buraglia
Award winning Producer, LULO Films
I strongly believe that CanadaWorld TV will play a positive role in nurturing more diverse original Canadian content.
“As a Hot Docs Pitch Forum (2018), National Screen Institute (Totally Television) (2014), Toronto International Film Festival Talent Lab (2005) and National Film Board of Canada (Momentum) (2005) alumnus, I consider myself a strong voice for diversity in the Canadian media landscape. I strongly believe that CanadaWorld TV will play a positive role in nurturing more diverse original Canadian content.”
Terri Favro
Canadian novelist
CanadaWorld TV would be an excellent platform where diverse stories could be nourished and presented.
“As a novelist, storyteller, essayist and graphic novel creator, my work focuses on “settlement” stories – ones that are driven by the post-immigration experiences of newcomers to Canada….CanadaWorld TV would be an excellent platform where diverse stories could be nourished and presented.”
Frank Gagliano
Vice Chairman, St. Joseph Communications
pleased to express full support for the…application for CanadaWorld TV
…“pleased to express full support for the…application for CanadaWorld TV….St. Joseph Communications is Canada’s largest privately held marketing & communications company. Founded in 1956, we have grown steadily over the years through a combination of innovative thinking, sound management and strong commitment to client needs.”
Renzo Garcia
Independent Producer
CanadaWorld TV is exactly what Canada’s television industry needs . . .
“As a proud Canadian who immigrated to Canada over ten years ago, I have been in perpetual awe of the seamless way in which this country integrates different cultures…CanadaWorld TV is exactly what Canada’s television industry needs in order for it to match what Canada as a society has already proven to have mastered, an all-inclusive global community.”
Rasheeda Qureshi
Executive Director, Seva Food Bank
We have known ATN for many years and we are confident that they, together with their partners, have the necessary experience to properly operate this channel.
“An initiative of Sikhs Serving Canada, a registered not-for-profit charitable organization, our mission is to positively impact local communities by acting on the basic Sikh tenets of sarbat da bhalla (the wellbeing of all), chardi kala (eternal optimism) and seva (selfless service). We totally support this application…We have known ATN for many years and we are confident that they, together with their partners, have the necessary experience to properly operate this channel.”
Bobby Sahni
Partner/Co-Founder, Ethnicity Multicultural Marketing + Advertising
From a news perspective, they have partnered with CBC – there is no more trusted news source in the country
“Ethnicity is Canada’s leading authority in marketing and communications to a multicultural world….We are pleased to express our specific support for…CanadaWorld TV’s application…From a news perspective, they have partnered with CBC – there is no more trusted news source in the country. This demonstrates their strong commitment to Canadian news on a local, regional, and national basis.”
Joy Sarmiento
Publisher, Pinoy News
We are in full support of the vision of CanadaWorld TV to be the nationwide venue for multicultural news and programming.
“I, Joy Sarmiento, am an active member of the Filipino Community, being a publisher of a Filipino community newspaper called Pinoy News, that has been circulating monthly for 12 years now…We are in full support of the vision of CanadaWorld TV to be the nationwide venue for multicultural news and programming. We are confident that they can fulfill the long overdue need for diversity in contact with different ethnicities in mind.”
Dawn R. Schneider
Broadcast Executive, German-Canadian
I am proud and grateful to be Canadian and feel proud to welcome people to Canada . . .
“…pleased to express full support for…CanadaWorld TV…Growing up in a German-Canadian household and being exposed to German customs, food, music and language…has encouraged me to appreciate all cultures….As a family…we were not taught to speak German at home because our father wanted us to be Canadian. He had also suffered ridicule when coming to Canada at the age of 9 because of his language and dress and did not want his children to be vulnerable to this poor treatment….I am proud and grateful to be Canadian and feel proud to welcome people to Canada…”
Anil Shah
Canada India Foundation
We are confident that ATN and its partners…would do justice to our multicultural communities with this licence.
“Canada India Foundation (CIF), a premier public policy organization is a national, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization which works tirelessly to enhance bilateral relations between Canada and India…We are confident that ATN and its partners…would do justice to our multicultural communities with this licence. We highly recommend that this group be granted this license.”
Kumar Singh
Vice President, Guyana Christian Charities
We absolutely endorse this application . . .
“The Guyana Christian Charities (Canada) Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization. Its mandate is to provide aid and assistance to Guyanese…We absolutely endorse this application and look forward to a favourable decision by the CRTC for this application.”
Marlo Sotelo
Finance Professional
CanadaWorld TV will be a new channel through which we can further embrace and celebrate our cultural diversity.
“As the eldest child of Filipino immigrants, I understand the need for having regular and reliable access to both local and culturally-relevant news, in a format that is easily accessible to Canadian minority groups. My parents immigrated to Canada in the 1970s in search of a better life, leaving their homes and loved ones behind, many of whom still live in the Philippines….Locally printed Filipino newspapers…are their main source of information. Having this same information, effortlessly available to them in their homes, would be invaluable. Canada is a country that brings the world together. CanadaWorld TV will be a new channel through which we can further embrace and celebrate our cultural diversity.”
Ken Stelmakowich
President, Majortech Inc.
TLN has many years of experience in addressing the market they serve currently . . .
“Major Technologies is a supplier of Broadcast products and an integration partner to all of the major companies involved in this business such as Bell Media, Rogers Media, Corus Entertainment and of course TLN, along with others. We have worked in this business for 25 years and understand many of the technical factors that will allow a company to be successful in providing this service throughout Canada. TLN has many years of experience in addressing the market they serve currently and with the partnership of Asian Television Network, this bid will certainly provide programming to a large portion of the intended audience. Based on our experience and having worked with TLN for many years, we are confident they are a good option to provide this service.”
Paul Sweeney
SVP Distribution, Sessions X
Our country needs more voices for a national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service offering news and information programming.
“I would like to express my full support for the….application for CanadaWorld TV. Our country needs more voices for a national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service offering news and information programming. I have over 25 years of experience in the television content distribution industry and believe this new service would add much needed diversity of voices to the Canadian television landscape.”
Z. Ghezala
General Secretary, Pakistan Canada Amity Forum, Ontario
Our association with ATN goes back decades and as such we feel that they together with their partners are best suited to operate a service of this nature.
“Our association with ATN goes back decades and as such we feel that they together with their partners are best suited to operate a service of this nature. ATN’s experience with multicultural communities is vast and their commitment to these communities has stood the test of time and they have delivered on a major scale to multiculturalism in Canada by way of their programming and Public Service Announcement etc.”
Hisham Ghostine
Chief Commercial Officer, Dentsu Aegis Network Canada, Ontario
CanadaWorld TV’s business model of a free VOD channel targeting the interest of over 40 languages that Canadians speak in Canada is pivotal in today’s branded content environment . . .
“As Chief Commercial Officer for the Canadian network, I advise major global brands. Working in close collaboration with various stakeholders in the advertising community, I develop and implement strategic media growth opportunities aimed at delivering great business value in the market. CanadaWorld TV’s business model of a free VOD channel targeting the interest of over 40 languages that Canadians speak in Canada is pivotal in today’s branded content environment, a space that is highly sought after by advertisers. A space we actively nurture with clients.”
Jennifer Gray
Chief Philanthropy Officer, St. Michael’s Foundation, Ontario
TLN Telelatino Network Inc. and Aldo Di Felice, as President of TLN, have been great supporters of St. Michael’s Foundation for 18 years . . .
“St. Michael’s Foundation, through its philanthropic activities, assists St. Michael’s Hospital in attracting the resources required to fulfill and enhance its mission of caring, research and education, as inspired and fostered by the Sisters of St. Joseph. The Hospital is renowned for providing exceptional patient care, serving a population that is representative of the diversity of the city and province, with a special focus on care of the homeless and disadvantaged. TLN Telelatino Network Inc. and Aldo Di Felice, as President of TLN, have been great supporters of St. Michael’s Foundation for 18 years, enabling us to raise greater awareness of the Hospital within our communities, and to continue to provide the best, most innovative care for our patients and their families.”
Gideon Hayden
Co-Founder & Partner, Leaders Fund, Ontario
. . . I believe that there is a need for our country’s media offerings to represent the entire country, and that the current offerings do not achieve this.
“As a first generation Canadian of Jewish and European dissent, Canada has become home to me because of the diverse and accepting culture that exists here, not in spite of it. As a now serial entrepreneur who has founded two businesses in the technology sector, I believe that there is a need for our country’s media offerings to represent the entire country, and that the current offerings do not achieve this. The Telelatino Network and Asian Television Network are perfectly suited and set up to fill this void that Canadians desire.”
Jim JJ Johnston
President and CEO, JJIMS INC., Ontario
. . . I am confident they should be at the top of the list to successfully commit to and provide this wonderful new service.
“Through the association of Telelatino and Corus, I became very aware of this very successful organization that has a strong commitment to providing amazing services to their audience. I have always been impressed by their programming and with my dealings with the company and with this knowledge I am confident they should be at the top of the list to successfully commit to and provide this wonderful new service.”
Teddy Katz
Vice President of Communications and Media Relations, SHAD, Ontario
Joining forces with other experts in multicultural media will help ensure CanadaWorld TV can become a major unifying force for different ethnic communities around Canada.
“As a long-time broadcast professional with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and more recently as a key member of the executive team for the TORONTO 2015 Pan American and Parapan Am Games, I have worked closely with several of the proponents behind the application for CanadaWorld TV. Aldo Di Felice and the TLN Media Group, in particular, broadcast the Pan American Games from coast to coast and helped generate interest in the lead up through their channels. This helped make the Toronto Pan Am Games one of the most successful ever. Joining forces with other experts in multicultural media will help ensure CanadaWorld TV can become a major unifying force for different ethnic communities around Canada.”
Agnes Lan
President, Change Connect Inc., Ontario
We need a dedicated TV channel by the people, for the people.
“Identified as a minority, I believe it’s important to have more multilingual TV channels available to our communities. There isn’t enough original content for those identified as minorities; it leaves a gap for those seeking mainstream content. After reviewing the briefs of CanadaWorld, I believe it’s just what we need. We need a dedicated TV channel by the people, for the people. We need an entity that’s going to put unification of our community before shareholder value. We need an entity that’s going to cover coast to coast, and not just money-making markets.”
Joe Li
Regional Councillor, City of Markham, Ontario
ATN produces high-quality ethnic and third-language programming that reflects our community’s diversity . . .
“As Regional Councillor for the City of Markham and the Municipality of York, I am honoured to support ATN Television for their outstanding and exceptional programming services to the community. ATN produces high-quality ethnic and third-language programming that reflects our community’s diversity and are an essential source of local information that engages our community members in Canadian society. As a result, ATN’s programs are vital role in keeping our community members well-informed, active and involved citizens, and I fully support the commitment by ATN to reinstate them.
I have known ATN for many years and worked with them for 7 years during my Canada’s Diversity celebration event promoting peace, unity, and diversity through art of music. I applaud ATN for your individual contributions in preserving our rich cultures and traditions, strengthening cultural and social bonds, and celebrating multiculturalism. I strongly believe that this unique institution be given the chance to contribute building local communities and connecting them across the nation.”
Danielle Zanotti
President and Chief Executive Officer, United Way Greater Toronto, Ontario
ATN has highlighted the work of United Way, helping us raise awareness on the many social issues impacting our residents.
“ATN has highlighted the work of United Way, helping us raise awareness on the many social issues impacting our residents. We’ve also had the privilege of having ATN’s founder, Dr. Chandrasekar, serve on the Board of our fundraising Cabinet, and we are confident in his commitment to produce quality, and culturally sensitive programming for many communities.”
Tania Zubieta
Directrice, Esencia Del Peru, Quebec
Un tel service TV est le meilleur moyen pour permettre la diffusion de notre travail et de nos efforts à l’intégration de nos cultures.
“Nous sommes une Association culturelle qui se dédie à la promotion de la culture et de l’art péruviens. Nous sommes un OSBL, transmettre notre passion pour la danse est d’une trés grande importance pour Esencia del Perú. C’est pour cette raison que le groupe a fondé une école où il offer des ateliers de danses et de percussions péruviennes qui s’adressent autant aux jeunes qu’auz adultes. Un tel service TV est le meilleur moyen pour permettre la diffusion de notre travail et de nos efforts à l’intégration de nos cultures.”
Nelson Ojeda
President, Association de Chiliens du Quebec, Quebec
. . . la nécessité d’avoir un outil de communication comme celui demandé par CanadaWorld TV et que nous supporteront.
“La ACHQ privilégie des résponses concrètes aux défis spécifiques. Dans ce cadre, la participation de la ACHQ dans le rapprochement interculturel et sa préoccupation fondamentale envers les ainées l’appellent à une active participation dans
- FORUM DES CITOYENS AINÉES DE MONTRÉAL (FCAM) et de son Comité Ethnoculturel.
Toutes les caractérisations et raisons exposées avant déterminent – pour notre organisme et pour toute la communauté latino-américaine – la nécessité d’avoir un outil de communication comme celui demandé par CanadaWorld TV et que nous supporteront.”
Ian Little, Dianna Morello, J. John Vettese, & Piera Segreto
Partners, Little Morello Vettese Segreto [LMVS] LLP, Ontario
. . . LMVS fully supports the application made by TLN and friends for a new national multilingual multi-ethnic television . . .
“We have been fortunate to work alongside TLN executives in various fundraising activities. Our friends at TLN have been instrumental in promoting community engagement in numerous fundraising initiatives such as the annual Smiles of Innocence Gala in support of Sick Kids Hospital and the annual Strides for Stroke Run/Walk in support of the Mackenzie District Stroke Centre.
The lawyers at LMVS and many of our staff are children of immigrants. While we are proud to be Canadian, we are also interested in keeping strong ties to our heritage. For this reason we are fortunate that we live in a country that promotes cultural diversity and allows access to specialty programming through great companies such as TLN, that are able to “unite cultures through shared experiences and memorable moments”. It is for all of the aforementioned reasons that LMVS fully supports the application made by TLN and friends for a new national multilingual multi-ethnic television service which is sure to provide our diverse and proud community with equal access to news and information programming.”
John Marrafino
Owner/President, VMC Media Group, Ontario
. . . we would have great faith in placing our advertising investments with CanadaWorldTV.
“We would be supportive of this initiative with the full thought of our planning team as they seek to find media that helps solidify and monetize the ethnic market for our clients. Given the principals involved, we would have great faith in placing our advertising investments with CanadaWorldTV. As the needs of our advertisers have gotten more defined in seeking out ethnic communication opportunities, it is great to know that new options are being prepared to hit the market.”
Anastassia Mikoian
Director/President, Roots Education Inc, Ontario
We believe that CanadaWorldTV will help Russian community to preserve our native language.
Kerry Morgan
Media Professional
This is what makes Canadian multiculturalism unique – the ability and desire to be exposed to other cultures and languages.
“CanadaWorld TV would be an inclusive, cost-effective service run by Canadian broadcasters with decades of experience in ethnic broadcasting and connecting Canadian ethnic communities. My family currently watches TLN Media Group channels, including TLN, Univision and Mediaset Italia. We have travelled in Italy and Spain and we appreciate the opportunity to learn more about these cultures and be exposed to the languages from time to time, even if our comprehension is less than we wish it was! This is what makes Canadian multiculturalism unique – the ability and desire to be exposed to other cultures and languages.”
Lisa Olfman
CEO and Co-Founder, Portfolio Entertainment, Ontario
This new channel serves the best interest of Canadians and the application fulfils one of the Commission’s key objectives of contributing to Canada’s linguistic duality and ethno-cultural diversity . . .
“As Canada thrives in a diverse and multicultural society, we believe that CanadaWorld TV will play an important role in ensuring Canadians receive news, information, public affairs and entertaining content in their language of comfort. This new channel serves the best interest of Canadians and the application fulfils one of the Commission’s key objectives of contributing to Canada’s linguistic duality and ethno-cultural diversity while “Bringing the World to Canada and Canada to the World.”
Eric Orticello
President, Media Dimensions Ltd, Ontario
We welcome a true new service communicating to our culturally diverse ethnic communities providing our clients with additional market opportunities.
“We believe that differentiation and alignment, innovation and integration, meaningful connection, relevant value, and creative thinking facilitate smarter campaigns for our clients. We pioneered the concept of an independent boutique agency in 1973.
We welcome a true new service communicating to our culturally diverse ethnic communities providing our clients with additional market opportunities.”
Silvana Tibollo
President, National Congress of Italian Canadians Toronto District, Ontario
CanadaWorld TV will be a major unifying force for Canada.
“The need for a national multilingual, multiethnic TV service is long overdue. It is essential to keep all Canadians well informed and plugged into Canadian society with Canadian news and information in their native languages. CanadaWorld TV will be a major unifying force for Canada. CanadaWorld TV will also extend its reach globally to showcase to the world what we all love about living in Canada. Canada is a model for the world, admired globally for having a society that is the world’s best example of multiculturalism that works.
We also support CanadaWorld TV as it is created and controlled by immigrant Canadians, and not by the same giant companies that already dominate the media and telecom industry in Canada.
Further, we fully support CanadaWorld TV as it is led by multicultural media leaders, Mr. Aldo Di Felice, President of TLN and Dr. Shan Chandrasekar of ATN, both with long and distinguished track records in ethnic TV who have demonstrated their ongoing support for Canadian multicultural communities.”
Tom Berry
CEO, Premiere Bobine Inc
“Premiere Bobine is also pleased to support CanadaWorldTV’s proposal of launching an innovative video on demand service expanding the linear content that will be available to Canadians.
In light of the request for mandatory carriage with a license fee of $0.12/subscriber, we believe that the proposed Canadian content program expenditure should be augmented to the 60% level, with a PNI set at 5%, as conditions of license.”
Ketty Canchaya Alvarez
Le soussigné est heureux d’appuyer sans reserve la demande susmentionnée de CanadaWorld TV
“Le soussigné est heureux d’appuyer sans reserve la demande susmentionnée de CanadaWorld TV, un nouveau service national multilingue de television multiethnique offrant des émissions de nouvelles et d’information.
Je crois que ce réseau de television va m’aider dans la diffusion des projets que j’ai pour améliorer la vie des personnes et aussi l’aide sociale dans l’espace de la communauté latino-américaine vers les autres cultures en plus la communauté multiethnique.”
Hernan Cespedes
Président, Amauta Marketing Inc, Québec
“La soussigné, Hernan Cespedes, entrepreneur d’origine Latino-Américaine et president des entreprises:
Amauta Marketing Inc – Agence de marketing digitale (Google Partners)
Groupe Cespedes Inc – Filme en investissement immobilier
Hola Montréal – Répertoire d’entreprises Latino-Américaines du Québec
Membre actif de la communauté Latino-Américaine du Québec, est favorable à la creation d’un nouveau poste de television multiethnique qui servira de pont entre les nouveaux arrivants et la société Québécoise.”
Anthony Imperioli
Show runner and Co-Creator, Nonna Maria, Quebec
CanadaWorld TV would provide an opportunity to increase production of Canadian-made multilingual original content for the multi-ethnic audiences who continue to grow every year
“We fervently believe that a new multilingual channel for all Canadians is long overdue. CanadaWorld TV will fill this void for all ethnic communities in Canada. We fully support this initiative as it is created and led by multicultural leaders in our community who have dedicated their entire careers to serving our diverse audiences, and who continue to support original productions in third languages. CanadaWorld TV would provide an opportunity to increase production of Canadian-made multilingual original content for the multi-ethnic audiences who continue to grow every year.”
Nizam Uddin
General Secretary, Himalaya Séniors du Québec
We highly recommend that this group be granted this license
“Our association with ATN goes back many decades and we are proud of their achievements thus far in broadcasting. They have assisted our community in such a professional and informative manner over the years at no charge. We are confident that ATN and its partners in this application would do justice to our multicultural communities with this license. We highly recommend that this group be granted this license.”
Ajay Bhargav
President, SkyLawn Travel, Quebec
Our Company provides travel Services to all over the world and we organized the Pilgrimage Tour for Different Communities
“Our Company provides travel Services to all over the world and we organized the Pilgrimage Tour for Different Communities. Our association with ATN goes back many decades and we are proud of their achievements thus far in broadcasting. They have assisted our community in such a professional and informative manner over the years at no charge. We are confident that ATN and its partners in this application would do justice to our multicultural communities with this license. We highly recommend that this group be granted this license.”
Mohsin Bin Latheef
Senior Associate – Behavioural Insights, PwC Canada
. . . it is my firm belief that CanadaWorldTV will become a revolutionary voice in Canada’s media industry.
“I had the pleasure of working with one of the partners on this initiative – the Telelatino Network (TLN), as part of my MBA program at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. As recent MBA graduate from Canada’s no. 1 business school, and as someone who has studied the new media landscape in Canada, it is my firm belief that CanadaWorldTV will become a revolutionary voice in Canada’s media industry. The Rotman School has encouraged us to think boldly and push the boundaries of business with unconventional thinking. Through this initiative, I believe this is exactly what TLN and ATN have attempted to do, and I lend my full support to this initiative.”
Magda Di Maria
General Manager, Richview Manor, Maple, Ontario
Due to the line of work that I conduct, I believe that our perspective is one that needs to be fully appreciated by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission and that Telelatino Network Inc. and Asian Television Network should be given additional consideration as they are a leader in this field.
Betzabe (Betsy) Monterrosa
Director and Founder, Casa Cultural Peruana
We fully support CanadaWorldTV and its close ties to our Latin American Heritage as it provides a vision of a nation of immigrants that are united.
“We fully support CanadaWorldTV and its close ties to our Latin American Heritage as it provides a vision of a nation of immigrants that are united. Many immigrants arrive with limited knowledge of English or French. Having access to news, information, and entertainment programs in their language of comfort can help them to thrive in Canada’s multicultural society. And our Canadian children will also benefit from the channel by learning our language and about our culture.”
Anthony Sarracco
President, Rebellion Films, Laval QC
I believe strongly in a new national, multilingual multi-ethnic TV service for ALL Canadians
“I believe strongly in a new national, multilingual multi-ethnic TV service for ALL Canadians. I also believe strongly that such a service needs to be controlled and led by ethnic media leaders in Canada, those individuals who have dedicated their professional careers to making multicultural media available to Canadians. Specifically, I am referring to Mr. Aldo Di Felice of TLN Media Group and Dr. Shan Chandrasekar of ATN, both with long and distinguished track records in ethnic TV who have demonstrated their ongoing support for Canadian multicultural communities.”
“Rebellion Films has been creating original programming, locally and internationally, for over a decade and has had the pleasure to associate itself with TLN for the last five years. The network has set the standard for multicultural broadcast quality in Canada. This is a well managed network in which we are proud to do business with on a daily basis.”
Laat Bhinder
Indo Canadian Punjabi Directory, Alberta
We are confident that ATN and its partners in this application would do justice to our multicultural communities
“Our association with ATN goes back many decade and we are proud of their achievements thus far in broadcasting. They have assisted our community in such a professional and informative manner over the years…We are confident that ATN and its partners in this application would do justice to our multicultural communities with this license.”
Bernardo Riveros
President, Global Business Consulting Associates
I believe the key of an immigrant success is to be connected and involved in the Canadian culture and society.
“…pleased to express full support for…CanadaWorld TV…I am a Colombia who has devoted his past 22 years in establishing not only a very successful business (co-founder of and its Executive Director for 18 years) but also helping other immigrants in their settlement process in Canada. I have led various immigrant focused organizations as I believe the key of an immigrant success is to be connected and involved in the Canadian culture and society.”
Leonzo Barreno
Professor of Indigenous Studies, University of Saskatchewan
. . . I experienced first-hand the network’s professionalism, cultural sensitivity and passion embodied in their crew and management.
“I am a Mayan Indigenous person from Guatemala [and a] Canadian citizen since 1995. I have been a university instructor for the last 20 years. My specialization is teaching courses on Indigenous Peoples and the Press and Rights and Responsibilities of the Journalists…In 2015 members of Telelatino contacted me to do a documentary about my work in Saskatchewan and my connections with Guatemala and Saskatchewan’s Indigenous peoples. I collaborated with the project…hence, I experienced first-hand the network’s professionalism, cultural sensitivity and passion embodied in their crew and management. I support CanadaWorld TV application…[because] public service is the #1 priority. CanadaWorld TV is not focused on profit margins over public service. The cost of CanadaWorld TV is only a fraction of the price others want to charge the system under their proposals.”
Cecilia Escamilla
Directrice Générale, Centre D’Aide Aux Familles Latino-Américaines [CAFLA], Quebec
Nous considérons importante et nécessaire cette association qui viendrait favoriser d’avantage les membres des communautés ethnoculturelles
“Le soussigné est heureux d’appuyer sans réserve la demande de CanadaWorld TV…CAFLA es un organisme à but non lucrative et de bienfaisance enregistré dont sa mission est d’établir des partenariats avec diverses institutions publiques et privées, en vue de créer des liens d’aide pour soutenir les jeunes de la communauté latino-américaine et leurs familles. Nous considérons importante et nécessaire cette association qui viendrait favoriser d’avantage les membres des communautés ethnoculturelles.”
Victor J. Garcia
Managing Director & CEO, ABC Live Corporation
This VOD initiative will in the long term be the most valuable aspect of the service based on the way consumers watch content.
“I have known the President of Telelatino Network Inc. for several years and had the pleasure of interacting with their organization in the past, in particular relating to the 2015 Pan American & Parapan American Games during my tenure as member of TO2015’s Board of Directors….I support CanadaWorld TV [because] it is innovative. The inclusion of an extensive free companion video on demand (VOD) service that lets viewers watch the news and information programming from the main channel plus even more shows on demand in even more ways and even more languages is what I believe is necessary to service the diversity of needs and interests of Canadians in 40 languages in the 21st century. This VOD initiative will in the long term be the most valuable aspect of the service based on the way consumers watch content.”
Jack Oliviera
Business Manager, LiUNA OPDC
The Labourers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA), Ontario Provincial District Council is pleased to express full support for…CanadaWorld TV
“The Labourers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA), Ontario Provincial District Council is pleased to express full support for…CanadaWorld TV…With over 120,000 members and retirees across Canada, LiUNA is the most progressive, aggressive and fastest growing union of construction workers and one of the most diverse and effective unions representing various sectors across North America.”
Connie Kriaski
Publisher, Pinoy Times, Alberta
Inclusion of news and information programs from a Canadian point of view on CanadaWorld TV that is meant for the Filipino community will help address content gaps
“Pinoy Times is a Filipino community paper in Alberta for the past 10 years. We are here to serve the community to keep them informed of the latest news especially from the Philippines. …Inclusion of news and information programs from a Canadian point of view on CanadaWorld TV that is meant for the Filipino community will help address content gaps.”
Margaret Mardirossian
President and Executive Producer, Anaid Productions, Alberta
We believe that TLN and ATN together have the experience critical to executing a successful ethnic broadcasting service for Canadians
“We are strong supporters of CanadaWorldTV because of their commitment to commission and acquire original, ethnically diverse Canadian production of documentaries and lifestyle programming. We believe that TLN and ATN together have the experience critical to executing a successful ethnic broadcasting service for Canadians. The proposed fee is both competitive and affordable for the extensive services they are offering.
As a first generation Canadian and independent producer, I appreciate the value of multilingual TV channels. I am encouraged by Canada World’s promise of providing programs in all languages, and would encourage them to also include Armenian.”
Sochie Razon
Publisher, Filipino Star Magazine, Calgary
We are confident that CanadaWorld TV will work to fill the need of various ethnicities as they truly know what these needs are.
“We fully support CanadaWorld TV and its vision to bring multicultural programming to mainstream Canada. With them, we trust that the content will be curated to understand the needs of a community that was not heard for a long time. We are confident that CanadaWorld TV will work to fill the need of various ethnicities as they truly know what these needs are.”
S. Singh
President, Arpan Likhari Sabha Calgary, Alberta
We join hands with the communities and other organizations in promoting Punjabi
“Our prime focus is to nurture and recognize good quality work done in Punjabi literature… We join hands with the communities and other organizations in promoting Punjabi…They have many years of experience in the field of multicultural broadcasting. They have also done thousands of messages free of cost for various communities across Canada. It is our view that ATN and its partners would be very successful with this license and they would definitely conduct themselves in a very responsible manner.”
Brunella Gaudio
Executive Director, Italian Day Festival Society, British Columbia
. . . more shows on demand in even more ways and even more languages is exactly what is necessary to service the diversity of needs and interests of Canadians . . .
“I support the CANADA WORLD TV application [because] it is innovative. The inclusion of an extensive free companion video on demand service that lets viewers watch the news and information programming from the main channel plus even more shows on demand in even more ways and even more languages is exactly what is necessary to service the diversity of needs and interests of Canadians in 40 languages.”
Irene C. Yatco
Publisher, Philippine Journal, British Columbia
Canada World TV programming will provide a common ground for all ethnic communities . . .
“Canada World TV will fill the need of multi-ethnic communities to obtain news and information from a Canadian perspective pertinent to the various groups. Canada World TV programming will provide a common ground for all ethnic communities which can foster understanding and cooperation among them.”
Latafat Ali Siddiqui
Editor, Canadian Asian News, Ontario
I highly recommend this group to be granted this license
“ATN has been a voice for our community for many, many years and they have also assisted in bringing our community together with their programming and Public Service Announcement. I have also witnessed their reporters and camera crew at our community functions and events as well as televising these functions and events on TV for all our community to watch. We are truly grateful for this as it has assisted us in getting our messages out as well as bringing us as a family closer to members of the community. I highly recommend this group to be granted this license as I believe that they would be most reliable in fulfilling the mandate set out, for all communities across Canada.”
John Amendola
President & CEO, Amendola Media Group, Ontario
. . . Telelatino Network and Asian Television Network International Limited are ideal companies to forefront this new National Network in Canada.
“I have watched the advertising space evolve dramatically over the years and I understand the importance of brands speaking to a specific ethnic community. There is a sense of security and comfort when one is exposed to or reminded of their home, language, or culture. I think it is essential to provide more multicultural options and that Telelatino Network and Asian Television Network International Limited are ideal companies to forefront this new National Network in Canada.”
Maurizio Sansosti
Teacher/Translator/TV Host
[CanadaWorld TV] gives viewers equal access to the prime times of the TV schedule, not just during late night and early morning hours.
“I support the CanadaWorld TV application for a number of important reasons…It has an egalitarian vision – all 20 top immigrant language communities in Canada will receive news and information programming multiple times a week. This gives viewers equal access to the prime times of the TV schedule, not just during late night and early morning hours…..It is allied with Canada’s public national broadcaster – CanadaWorld TV’s schedule includes news, public affairs and documentary programming in collaboration with CBC/Radio Canada, Canada’s trusted news source.”
Jorge H. Zarate Tristan
General Director, Casa Cultural Mexicana
Our vision is to . . . make our society feel proud of living in a country where all cultures are welcome.
“The undersigned is pleased to express full support for…CanadaWorld TV…Our vision is to bring communities working together creating something big through the arts and make our society feel proud of living in a country where all cultures are welcome.”
Mary Bortolon
ICC Chair, The Italian Canadian Club – Seniors Group, Ontario
We strongly believe in multiculturalism and the importance of preserving our culture and our language.
“We strongly believe in multiculturalism and the importance of preserving our culture and our language. Many in our Italian/Canadian Community, and not only seniors but also younger people will definitely benefit from such an amazing channel, Any consideration given to include an Italian Program with CanadaWorld TV will be greatly appreciated.”
Luigi Calabrese
President, Frontier Networks, Ontario
Despite the diverse nature of Canada’s ethnic communities, ATN has managed to unify its community with its 50 plus channels in multiple languages and genres.
“We at Frontier Networks are supportive of ATN. We are impressed with them. They do a great job in Canada especially in the multi-cultural community. Also they have been active in supporting the creation of Canadian content as well as supporting community service organizations. Despite the diverse nature of Canada’s ethnic communities, ATN has managed to unify its community with its 50 plus channels in multiple languages and genres. With that kind of experience, we are confident that ATN and its partners will be able to build and operate their new service to the benefit of all multi-cultural communities across Canada.”
Jhonattan Ardila
Independent Producer
I am a strong believer in this channel being led and controlled by ethnic media leaders who have made multicultural TV a priority for decades
“[I am] pleased to express my full support for…CanadaWorld TV…I am also a strong believer in this channel being led and controlled by ethnic media leaders who have made multicultural TV a priority for decades. Specifically, I have full confidence in the applicant team headed by Mr. Aldo Di Felice of TLN Media Group and Dr. Shan Chandrasekar of ATN to undertake such an important and vital initiative as they are multicultural media leaders with long and distinguished track records in ethnic TV who have demonstrated their ongoing support for Canadian multicultural communities.”
Anthony Cicione
President, 27/8 Media Inc., Ontario
Both TLN and ATN are experienced broadcasters in the multi-cultural field and bring not only broadcast experience, but real life, “pulse of the people” experience to this new venture
“As a descendent to immigrant parents I see first-hand how those who are still not “English language first” still cling to their roots and still desire to watch programs in their native tongue. CanadaWorld would be a fantastic “comfort” channel for those that crave and desire programming they can fully understand and appreciate. Both TLN and ATN are experienced broadcasters in the multi-cultural field and bring not only broadcast experience, but real life, “pulse of the people” experience to this new venture. I have no doubt that these two combined forces will bring a new, fresh and authentic service to all Canadians. I have worked very closely with TLN over my career and have always found them to be innovative, market savvy and very professional. I have no doubt CanadaWorld will be in great hands if the channel was awarded to TLN and ATN.”
Matias de Dovitiis
President, CONOSER
We are very excited to express our support for the application for CanadaWorld TV, a new national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service offering news and information programming.
“CONOSER is a charitable organization that caters to Latin American youth and their educational needs in the Greater Toronto Area. We are very excited to express our support for the application for CanadaWorld TV, a new national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service offering news and information programming.”
Vince Commisso
President & CEO, 9 Story Media Group
I am pleased to express my full support for {….} CanadaWorld TV . . .
“I am pleased to express my full support for {….} CanadaWorld TV, a new national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service offering news and information programming. I am President & CEO of 9 Story Media Group, one of the industry’s leading creators, producers and distributors of top quality content for young audiences around the world. With facilities in Toronto, New York, Dublin and Manchester, the 9 Story family of companies has produced over 2,800 episodes of best-in-class kids and family programming….I also serve on the boards of The Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA) as a Director and The Canadian Association of Content Exporters (CACE) as Chair.”
Tanya Elliott
Vice President, Ontario, Canadian Red Cross
. . . the Red Cross is in support of a national, multilingual, multi-ethnic television service that is dedicated to all Canadians.
“As a leading humanitarian organization that serves Canadian communities from coast to coast to coast, the Red Cross is in support of a national, multilingual, multi-ethnic television service that is dedicated to all Canadians.”
Ken Cancellara
Barrister, Ricketts Harris LLP
I support the CANADAWORLD TV application [because it has an] egalitarian vision
“I support the CANADAWORLD TV application [because it has an] egalitarian vision. All 20 top immigrant language communities in Canada will receive news and information programming multiple times a week. And with equal access to the prime times of the TV schedule, not just the wee hours of the late nights and early mornings.”
Councillor Mario F. Ferri
Deputy Mayor, City of Vaughan
Keeping a mechanism that informs and guides members of our diverse community is central to our democratic process.
“This is a letter to express my support for the….application for CanadaWorld TV…As a Local and Regional Councillor for the City of Vaughan for the past 17 years, I have come to appreciate the value and service that multi-ethnic television provides to the residents of Vaughan. Keeping a mechanism that informs and guides members of our diverse community is central to our democratic process.”
Eusebio Garcia
General Secretary, Salvadorian Canadian Association
We strongly believe in . . . institutions that foster new knowledge, tools and methods to develop the best strategies for diverse aspects of integration . . .
“The Salvadorian Canadian Association of Toronto (ASALCA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the insertion of Salvadorian Canadians in Canadian society…We strongly believe in cooperation and alliances between community organizations and institutions that foster new knowledge, tools and methods to develop the best strategies for diverse aspects of integration, program delivery and community development…for our rapidly changing times. It is within this context that we fully support and welcome [this] application.”
Anthony Perruzza
Councillor, City of Toronto
. . . I am confident in the quality of the service they will provide.
“As a Toronto City Councillor for one of Canada’s most diverse communities, I am pleased to express full support for…CanadaWorld TV….The dynamic community I represent in Toronto’s inner suburbs is a microcosm of the country’s linguistic diversity….I am very familiar with the work of Telelatino…and I am confident in the quality of the service they will provide.”
Eric Lariviere
General Manager, Flato Markham Theatre
It is our view that ATN and it’s partners would . . . would do justice to the community with this licence.
“We write this in support of the…application by ATN and its partners for 9 (!) (h) service across Canada called CanadaWorld TV….It is our view that ATN and it’s partners would…definitely conduct themselves in a very responsible manner….[and] would do justice to the community with this licence. We highly recommend that this group be granted this licence.”
Rose Santos
Showbuzz – The Filipino Today Publications
Local news is essential to a multicultural and diversified country and we believe that’s what matters to . . . Canadians
“Being in media for the Filipino-Canadian community for almost ten (10) years, we bring local news from the Philippines to the Filipino community here in Canada. Local news is essential to a multicultural and diversified country and we believe that’s what matters to the million Canadians who…will be watching the newscasts and information programs.”
Honourable Judy Sgro
Member of Parliament, Humber River – Black Creek
It is important that an organization such as CanadaWorld TV be able to expand this inclusion process.
“I am pleased to express my full support for Telelatino Network Inc. and the Asian Television Network for their continued efforts to expand inclusion to all individuals in Canadian society…It is important that an organization such as CanadaWorld TV be able to expand this inclusion process.”
Akhil N. Shah
President, Friends of Gujarat
We Friends of Gujarat (FOG Canada) write in support of [the] application.
“We Friends of Gujarat (FOG Canada) write in support of [the] application. We have approximately 2000 members in our organization and this letter represents all our support…FOG Canada is a not-for-profit organization to support, unite and empower the reverberating Gujarati community in Canada…in areas of social, cultural and economic development.”
Neethan Shan
Councillor, City of Toronto – Ward 42
I have worked with ATN for many years and am confident that they will be able to create great programs for the entire community
“I would like to express my support for ATN’s application to the CRTC. I have worked with ATN for many years and am confident that they will be able to create great programs for the entire community and that they have the experience to run this channel….they were always effective, professional and a strong asset to the community.”
Elena Lombardi
Independent Producer, EFilms
Thanks to TLN we are able to produce meaningful programs that many enjoy watching and participating in.
“As an Independent Producer, I have worked with TLN on many projects. From pitch to final product my experience with TLN collaborators and management has been professional, experienced, good natured and gracious. We are very lucky to have the opportunity to build programs and digital content in a variety of languages for a variety of audiences. Being from an Italian immigrant background, telling the stories of our community is so important. Thanks to TLN we are able to produce meaningful programs that many enjoy watching and participating in. The team at TLN is equipped to produce relevant and intelligent programming. They have the sensibilities, creativity, foresight and vision. TLN is active and connected within the multi language-multi ethnic communities. I am confident they would be an excellent fit for this licence as they have years of experience and the expertise to give the public what they want/need.”
Tammara Soma
Director (Research), Food Systems Lab
I believe that an engaging multicultural TV channel is critical in supporting our collective efforts to celebrate and showcase our diversity.
“As a Canadian citizen born and raised in Indonesia (the fourth most populated country in the world), I know full well the important contributions that immigrant communities have made to our society. I believe that an engaging multicultural TV channel is critical in supporting our collective efforts to celebrate and showcase our diversity. A multicultural and multilingual channel is also essential to promote cross-cultural learning, solidarity, and mutual understanding between diverse communities. I would like to express my strong support of CanadaWorld TV’s application…to become Canada’s premier ‘go to’ national multilingual multi-ethnic channel. Both Telelatino and ATN have a strong track record of developing award winning and engaging programming, as well as bringing communities together through widely attended and televised events.”
Shubhankar Maitra
Broadcast Executive
. . . it is more important to serve our communities by producing programs that connect our neighbourhoods.
“I strongly believe that a channel is required that would showcase our beautiful multicultural society and more importantly keep the community engaged by producing programs that are local and relevant. CRTC has the responsibility to ensure that this new channel not be entrusted to any company that looks at it only as a way of maximizing its revenue and profits…As an immigrant, I feel we have been let down quite a few times earlier by larger organizations who had been entrusted by CRTC to keep us engaged, connected and informed in our ethnic languages…I have extreme regards for both Mr. Shan Chandrasekar and Mr. Aldo Di Felice. Together, over the years they have shown the industry that profits are important – but it is more important to serve our communities by producing programs that connect our neighbourhoods. I believe it’s time to entrust this responsibility to people like Mr. Chandrasekar and Mr. Di Felice…”
Stuart Garvie
CEO, Group M Agencies Canada, Ontario
This would be a 1st over the air Canadian TV and VOD channel attracting/targeting the interests of over 40 languages in Canada.
“This would be a 1st over the air Canadian TV and VOD channel attracting/targeting the interests of over 40 languages in Canada. As an advertiser, it’s designed to target immigrants with Canadian news and information shows, so they feel proud to be Canadians. Programming will consist of what advertisers are looking for to connect to Canadians with their brands, such as Canadian news and information pertinent to those 40 languages. It will include local, regional, and national news “from Canada” every day, along with documentaries, sports, world renowned films, dramas and music specials. It will be run by proven ethnic television executives that have a proven track record of how to reach ethnicities.
It will be run by TLN and Asian Television Network, two proven entities in the Canadian Ethnic Television industry. But best of all, CanadaWorld TV will be designed to provide a STRONG INDEPENDENT PLAYER to survive the evolving Canadian TV market.”
Brad Gilliland
Vice President, Trade Partnerships & Investments, Active International, Ontario
I have spent over twenty five years in the advertising, broadcast and production industries and believe that CanadaWorld TV has the depth and experience to best deliver this service to Canadians.
Judith Gonzales
Founder, Fil-core Support Group, Ontario
“We are very happy to support CanadaWorld TV as it envisions to be the aggregator and creator of content meant for a diverse community . . . It’s about time.”
“We are very happy to support CanadaWorld TV as it envisions to be the aggregator and creator of content meant for a diverse community. We hope to finally see programs that will address the needs of the multicultural community. We are confident that CanadaWorld TV will fill this need. It’s about time.”
Jatin Gujarati
Director, Eastern Arts & Music, Ontario
we are confident that they (ATN) will be able to enhance this new service to encompass all communities across Canada.
“We have known ATN for many decades and are truly proud of their achievements in Canada especially our Multi-cultural community. They have supported several community service organizations over many decades, in several ways that are too numerous to mention.
We firmly believe that ATN together with their partners would be best suited to operate a 9(1)h service in Canada given their experience as well as their thorough understanding of community needs, support, and entertainment. Given the diverse nature of our community, we found that ATN has managed to unify our community at large hence with this kind of experience we are confident that they (ATN) will be able to enhance this new service to encompass all communities across Canada.”
Steve Hoscheit
President & CEO, Trillium Health Partners Foundation, Ontario
Through their partnership, we believe they should be granted this license on account of their absolute understanding of multicultural broadcasting . . .
“We had the pleasure of working with ATN’s programming and community service for seven years through their generous sponsorship of our signature Trillium Diwali gala – the largest Diwali gala of its kind in Canada. Through their partnership, we believe they should be granted this license on account of their absolute understanding of multicultural broadcasting, as well as their experience with these communities.”
Eric Jolliffe
Chief of Police, York Regional Police, Ontario
We have worked closely with ATN for several years and are proud of their achievements thus far in broadcasting. ATN have assisted us, and our community, in a professional and informative manner over the years at no charge.
Raj Kothari
Partner & Vice Chair, PwC Canada, Ontario
. . . we are very confident that ATN, together with their partners, have the necessary experience to make a truly sincere commitment to make this Channel successful.
“I have known Shan and Jaya Chandrasekar since 1991-92 and I have seen the growth of ATN under their leadership. Their channel has made, and continues to make, a massive impact on the South Asian Diaspora across Canada and in North America. Their programming has found an audience not only in the South Asian community but also beyond, particularly in Middle Eastern, Eastern European, and Caribbean communities.
We totally support the above application by ATN and its partners. We have known ATN for over 25 years and their contribution to the Multi Lingual & Multi Cultural Communities across Canada has been Outstanding. Needless to say, we are very confident that ATN, together with their partners, have the necessary experience to make a truly sincere commitment to make this Channel successful. Based on ATN’s past track record of proof of performance we would like to continue to support them whole heartedly for years to come.”
Pat Buttino
Director General, Centre Leonardo Da Vinci, Montreal
[I am] pleased to express full support for…CanadaWorld TV…We firmly believe that this type of programing must be encouraged for the cultural communities to thrive in this day and age. As Director General of this Centre, I encourage TLN to continue their endeavour.
Lisa Wong
Student, Ryerson University, Ontario
With this new TV channel, they [my parents] will finally be able to understand and enjoy TV programs as well as be better informed in Canadian society and news.
“I am a Canadian born Taiwanese student at Ryerson University currently studying Computer Science. My parents immigrated from Taiwan to Toronto, Ontario, Canada to restart their life and hopefully provide the best life for my sister and I. We are both so thankful for our parents that they made the sacrifice to leave their friends and relatives in their home country and adopt a totally different culture for us. That being said, learning an entirely new language was a challenge for them – which meant they were not able to enjoy many things, even the simplest things in life, television. Although as time passed, they have learned the language more, English is still a challenge for them. Therefore I think it would very good if they were introduced to CanadaWorld TV. With this new TV channel, they [my parents] will finally be able to understand and enjoy TV programs as well as be better informed in Canadian society and news. It would also be most important for this TV network to be run by television networks that already reach and serve a majority of ethnic populations.”
Aaron Xiao
Managing Director, Invest Canada Alliance, Ontario
We have great confidence in the ability of Telelatino Network Inc. and Asian Television Network International Limited to provide just the kind of programming that the Chinese-Canadian community needs and deserves.
“We were established to collaborate with governments at the federal, provincial, and municipal level across Canada and attract and facilitate Chinese investment in Canada. We do so by leveraging our significant status and reputation in the Chinese-Canadian community, our thirst for innovation, and our unique abilities to facilitate cross-cultural, cross-lingual collaboration. As such, we are acutely aware of the ethnic-language television needs of the Chinese community in Canada. We have great confidence in the ability of Telelatino Network Inc. and Asian Television Network International Limited to provide just the kind of programming that the Chinese-Canadian community needs and deserves.”
Lewis R. Mitz
President, The Jerusalem Foundation of Canada, Quebec
a vision for CanadaWorld that in my opinion every flagship national TV service should have, which is to . . . reach the diaspora of its citizens worldwide to act as media ambassador for the country.
“I have always been aware that Canada itself lacks an international flagship TV channel to unite Canadians worldwide and to inform and educate citizens of the world about Canadian issues, opportunities, and culture.
I have known Aldo Di Felice, President of TLN Media group, for many years and have always been impressed with international connections and knowledge. I am not surprised to have learned of his key role in establishing CanadaWorld TV proposal. And I am especially pleased that he has included a vision for CanadaWorld that in my opinion every flagship national TV service should have, which is to export itself internationally beyond the domestic market, to reach the diaspora of its citizens worldwide to act as media ambassador for the country.”
Pasquale Testa
President & CEO, Eleganza Magazine, Quebec
We believe that the application undertaken by TLN and ATN will continue to serve and build Canada as a strong multi-ethnic and diverse population
“As an Italian immigrant and Canadian citizen, I founded Eleganza Magazine to highlight the lifestyle and successful accomplishments of the multicultural and Canadian individuals that make up our Canadian fabric. Eleganza regularly supports and covers various types of multicultural individuals, events, & fundraising initiatives. We believe that the application undertaken by TLN and ATN will continue to serve and build Canada as a strong multi-ethnic and diverse population; integrating all cultures and multilingual ethnicities, which is essential to the continued growth and development of Canada and its immigrant and Canadian population.”
Lilian Lo
Media Director, Dyversity Communications, Ontario
They have supported many local community service organizations over time, in ways that are too numerous to mention.
“ATN is a trusted media partner of Dyversity Communications Inc. for many decades and we are truly proud of their achievements especially in serving multicultural communities in Canada. They have supported many local community service organizations over time, in ways that are too numerous to mention.
We firmly believe that ATN together with their partners would be best suited to operate a 9 (1) h service in Canada given their experience as well as their understanding of community needs, support and entertainment. Given the diverse nature of our community we found that ATN has managed to unify our community at large hence with this kind of experience we are confident that they (ATN) will be able to enhance this new service to encompass all communities across Canada.”
Veronica Marson
President, Canadian Hispanic Bar Association (CHBA)
. . . we believe it is important to have news and information programming that reflects and celebrates the multicultural fabric of Canadian society.
“During the past few years, the CHBA has been active in promoting diversity and inclusion in the legal community and beyond. To further that objective, we believe it is important to have news and information programming that reflects and celebrates the multicultural fabric of Canadian society.
The CHBA has reviewed CanadaWorld TV’s proposal and supports its vision and objectives. We very much encourage the CRTC to join us in supporting this initiative as well.”
Ranil Mendis
Director, CIMA Canada, Ontario
. . . they are doing great work in our community . . .
“We have been associated with ATN for well over 10 years now and they have supported & promoted cricket events and initiatives in the Greater Toronto Area for no charge and we feel they are doing great work in our community by promoting cricket which is the second most popular sport in the World and is fast growing across Canada.”
Robert Montgomery
Former CEO, Achilles Media, Ontario
This VOD initiative will in the long term be the most valuable aspect of the service . . .
“I also support the CANADA WORLD TV application for a number of other specific and important reasons. The innovative and forward thinking inclusion of a free and richly populated companion VOD service that lets viewers watch programming from the main channel plus even more shows on demand in 40 languages is exactly what is necessary to service the diverse needs and interests of Canadians. This VOD initiative will in the long term be the most valuable aspect of the service based on the ways consumers watch content.”
Gabriel Niccoli
Professor Emeritus, St. Jerome’s University/University of Waterloo
. . . I cannot but express the fullest support for such an admirable initiative as CanadaWorld TV . . .
“…From organizing ethnic, cultural, and artistic week-long festivals for the entire communities to theatre presentations, readings, and conferences, thus bringing the academy out of its privileging confines and into the ethnic fabric which so much defines what Canada is really all about. Thus, I cannot but express the fullest support for such an admirable initiative as CanadaWorld TV whose objectives are not only to privilege and offer a voice to otherwise intelligent, yet muted, opinions on Canadian issues but also to be able to do so without the mediating and often stereotype-bound umbrage of the media and telecom giants.”
Tracy Jenkins & Jose Ortega
Co-Artistic Directors, Lula Music and Arts Centre at Lula Lounge, Ontario
A broadcaster such as CanadaWorld TV would provide a much needed avenue for diverse cultural communities . . .
“Through presenting partnerships with local, regional and national presenter and or Lulaworld record label, many projects that we foster at Lula Lounge also have an impact on communities outside of Toronto.
A broadcaster such as CanadaWorld TV would provide a much needed avenue for diverse cultural communities to access news, arts and culture. We recognize the importance of diverse Canadians creating broadcast content for Canadian consumers.”
Duncan Payne
Managing Director, Toronto Home Shows, Ontario
We believe currently the ethnic market is underserved with information on home making . . . and no doubt CanadaWorld TV will help address this . . .
“Our goal is to help people transform their living space into a home through both product and content. Traditionally we have appealed to the established “Canadian” consumer and have not addressed ethnic cultures’ impact on the living space. We believe currently the ethnic market is underserved with information on home making (according to their culture) and no doubt CanadaWorld TV will help address this in a language and way that resonates.”
Kainila Unnikrishnan
OHM Cultural Association, Ontario
“We write in support of the above application. We are an organization that has roots in huge cross section of South Indian community in Canada and this letter represents all our support.
Our organization is a not-for-profit community organization promoting social, cultural and literary events of the Malayalee Hindu community. We celebrate cultural heritage through lectures, song dances, crafts and cuisine. We help people of Malayalee Hindu origin to integrate well and contribute to Canadian society while celebrating own traditions.”
Sari Buksner
Senior Director, International Sales & Development, Just for Laughs Distribution, Quebec
CanadaWorldTV can be a powerful new voice.
“Led by Experienced Independent Minorities: CanadaWorldTV can be a powerful new voice. CanadaWorldTV will be in the hands of Canada’s two most experiences ethnic TV broadcasters. TLN offers 11 TV channels in 3 languages. And ATN serves Canada’s diverse communities with 54 specialty television channels. Plus ATN and TLN are involved in radio, live events, production and international distribution. Being majority owned by immigrants and run by our most dedicate ethnic TV operators, this important service will not get lost in the balance sheet of a multibillion dollar telecommunications company.”
Epidio Caraballo
Directeur, COFLILA, Québec
“Le soussigné est heureux d’appuyer sans reserve la demande susmentionnée de CanadaWorld TV, un nouveau service national multilingue de television multiethnique offrant des émissions de nouvelles et d’information.
COFLILA aide depuis 2015 les immigrants latino-américains qui ont besoin d’accompagnement et d’orientation dans les démarches requises par immigration Canada. Notre comité compte avec 20 bénévoles qui travaillent fort pour notre communauté latino-américaine au Québec.”
Vittorio Giordano
Editor in Chief, Cittadino Canadese, Quebec
. . . we strongly believe that TLN deserves all our support for all future projects.
“I am the editor in chief of IL CITTADINO CANADESE, Italian weekly published in Montreal since 1941. A recognized and well-respected institution in the Italian Community, which today counts 350,000 Italo-Canadians in Québec, almost 2 million in all Canada. We have been working, with mutual satisfaction, for several years with TLN TELELATINO (IL CITTADINO, for instance, exposed itself for the Mediaset arrive in Quebec) and we believe that this television network has shown in the last decades all its competence and its ability. For this main reason, we strongly believe that TLN deserves all our support for all future projects.”
Mauro Abballe
Independent Producer, Brave North Productions
Canadian communities need opportunities to come together to examine and celebrate their differences
“As the distribution market shrinks for the documentary producers the need to provide common platforms becomes increasingly important. Canadian communities need opportunities to come together to examine and celebrate their differences. By endorsing the licensing of CanadaWorldTV, you will allow Canadians an easier integration and give ideas a place to flourish.”
Sean Cisterna
Producer/Director, Mythic Productions Inc, Richmond Hill, Ontario
CanadaWorld TV opens up a new avenue to those of us passionate about creating exciting content . . .
“As an award-winning feature film director and producer who frequently travels to international markets and festivals, I understand the value of producing content for an international marketplace. Our work must resonate not only to a small Canadian demographic, but a larger multi-ethnic one. CanadaWorld TV opens up a new avenue to those of us passionate about creating exciting content that doesn’t exactly align with a traditional English Canadian or Quebecois audience. As production budgets decrease around the world, we producers are forced to creatively finance our projects, and that often means co-producing feature films and television series with partners in another country, and often in multiple languages. CanadaWorld TV would be an ideal broadcast partner for these productions here in Canada, and I wholeheartedly support its creation.”
Fahim Khan
Student Senator, Ryerson University, Toronto
Allied with Canada’s national public broadcaster: CanadaWorldTV’s schedule includes news, public affairs and documentary programming in collaboration with CBC/Radio-Canada, Canada’s trusted news source.
Richard Morales
President, Toronto Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (THCC)
“Today we are nationally and internationally recognized for our participation in and association with leading organizations such as United Nations Global Compact, York University, University of Toronto, Ryerson University, Univision Canada, CAMACOL, the British Chamber of Commerce, and the Toronto Consulates of major Hispanic speaking countries.”
Stephen Gregory
Honourary Colonel of the 2nd Field Regiment Montreal Artillery, Co-Founder of RESPECT Campaign, Quebec
TLN Media Group and its President Also Di Felice have been instrumental in helping to tell our Canadian veterans’ stories.
“A multi-ethnic channel that could promote a better understanding, to new Canadians, of the history of our military’s contribution to peace around the world and the role of our Canadian military here in Canada. This outreach and interaction with new Canadians is key to supporting their integration into a productive and inclusive Canadian society that values our military.”
“In all of the undersigned’s endeavours to recognize, honour, and commemorate our Canadians in uniform, TLN Media Group and its President Aldo Di Felice have been splendid allies. TLN Media Group and its President Also Di Felice have been instrumental in helping to tell our Canadian veterans’ stories.”
Sergio Frias
President & CEO, Federation of Canadian-Brazilian Businesses
“[We are] pleased to express full support for…CanadaWorld TV. The Federation of Canadian-Brazilian Businesses is a not-for-profit organization which purpose is to foster trade between Canada and Brazil, and as such, any efforts to promote the Brazilian culture, businesses and people here in Canada will …help to develop here in Canada, an understanding about the cultural differences between our people…”
Monica Rasteiro
Vice-President, First Portuguese Canadian Cultural Centre
[We have] been providing education, recreational and social services to the Portuguese and Canadian community since 1956
“The undersigned is pleased to express full support for…CanadaWorld TV….the First Portuguese is…a non-profit organization. We have our roots and history in the Portuguese community as a place where new-comers to Canada are helped to assimiliate. [We have] been providing education, recreational and social services to the Portuguese and Canadian community since 1956….We were the first Portuguese centre to open in Toronto, and we have been serving the Portuguese community for many years, and helping newcomers settle well in this country, therefore we believe our organization’s opinions matter when it comes to new opportunities and resources for the Portuguese community and every other community in Canada.”
Judianne Jayme
CEO, Culture Card Inc., Winnipeg, Manitoba
I believe that CanadaWorld TV could provide programming for a severely underserved population of foreign language speakers . . .
“Canada is known for its multicultural mosaic, and its tolerance for diversity. I believe that CanadaWorld TV could provide programming for a severely underserved population of foreign language speakers and new immigrants who often feel isolated or disconnected in their new homes. Culture Card strives to do this in our city and [we] have been seeing the positive impact of bridging communities together. I can only imagine the impact that a nation-wide network of television programming (especially if it bridges different communities) can have on our new immigrants and visitors to Canada.”
Karen Pascual-Binaday
President, Philippine Independent Day Council (PIDC)
. . . an unprecedented need for access to programming that provides news and information content from a Canadian point of view currently unavailable to a burgeoning portion of our population.
“PIDC is an umbrella organization of several hundred Filipino-Canadian organizations mandated to preserve and promote Philippine heritage and culture…The Filipino-Canadian community is growing at a remarkable pace and has been deemed the third largest minority group in Canada. With this growth comes an unprecedented need for access to programming that provides news and information content from a Canadian point of view currently unavailable to a burgeoning portion of our population. The addition of the proposed content from CanadaWorld TV would address this unparalleled need.”
Stephanie Wong
Chief Executive Officer, Mon Sheong Foundation, Ontario
We . . . have great confidence in the ability of Telelatino Network Inc. and Asian Television Network International Limited to provide that kind of programming
“Mon Sheong Foundation is dedicated to the promotion of Chinese culture, heritage, language, and philosophy through caring for the elderly, encouraging the youth, and providing programs and services to meet the needs of our communities. We are acutely aware of the ethnic programming needs of our constituents, both young and old, and have great confidence in the ability of Telelatino Network Inc. and Asian Television Network International Limited to provide that kind of programming.”
Pat A. Pellegrini
President & CEO, Vividata
As both a proud Italian-Canadian and advocate of Canadian media, I strongly support the proposal for CanadaWorld TV.
“I have been involved in Canadian consumer and media research for over 15 years and more recently became the President & CEO of Vividata – Canada’s leading consumer and media research company. I fully understand the desire for a high quality, easily accessible TV channel for a wide range of ethnic and language groups in Canada as both a media industry executive and the son of Italian immigrants. Language and ethnic groups require news, information, entertainment, marketing, and specialized programming for their specific languages and ethnicities…As both a proud Italian-Canadian and advocate of Canadian media, I strongly support the proposal for CanadaWorld TV.”
Carmelina Cupo
President, Unione Culturale Pugliesi Nel Mondo, British Columbia
I am writing in full support for CanadaWorld TV, a new national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service offering news and information programming
Doug Macnamara
President Banff Executive Leadership
. . . having programming and languages that reflect-back Canada’s mosaic to our diverse media audience is a very important and worthwhile feature of basic programming in Canada.
“Provision of a 91H license for anyone is a special privilege, but particularly one reserved for a multi-cultural television channel, is long overdue. As we have seen with the success of APTN for example, the importance of having programming and languages that reflect-back Canada’s mosaic to our diverse media audience is a very important and worthwhile feature of basic programming in Canada. It would be similarly appropriate to give this opportunity to multi-cultural entities very familiar with and representative of varied cultures, which in turn, will make for a more authentic and values-incorporating channel. CanadaWorld TV is the right group to make this happen.”
Ashok Gangwani
Founder Member, Press Council of Edmonton
I highly recommend this group to be granted this license as I believe they would be most reliable in fulfilling the mandate set out, for all communities across Canada.
“We strongly support this application by ATN and its partners for CanadaWorld TV as a 9(1)(h) service across Canada. ATN has been a voice for our community for many, many years and they have also assisted in bringing our community together with their programming and Public Service Announcements…I highly recommend this group to be granted this license as I believe they would be most reliable in fulfilling the mandate set out, for all communities across Canada.”
Harjeet Sandhu
Host, Watan Television, Alberta
We are confident that ATN and its partners in this application would do justice to our multicultural communities with this license.
“Our organization provides Ethnic TV services throughout Canada. Our association with ATN goes back many decades and we are proud of their achievements thus far in broadcasting. They have assisted our community in such a professional and informative manner over the years at no charge. We are confident that ATN and its partners in this application would do justice to our multicultural communities with this license.”
Leo Cunanan, Jr.
Publisher, Dahong Pilipino Publishing Ltd., British Columbia
It would greatly help in the development of a truly effective multicultural society in our Canadian culture
“DAHONG PILIPINO has become an institution in the local community and has served as a unifying influence for our people. Competing business interests, media groups, and rival organizations are finding common ground by being seen together on the pages of DAHONG PILIPINO. We are proud to support CanadaWorld TV. It would greatly help in the development of a truly effective multicultural society in our Canadian culture.”
Trinidad “Treenee” Lopez
President, Filipino Association in British Columbia
. . . through the CanadaWorld TV all the community will get closer wherever we are in Canada . . .
“The Filipino Association in British Columbia (FABC) is a non-profit organization originally formed by the first Filipino families who settled in British Columbia in the late 1950’s…As the longest living organization not only in BC but across Canada, FABC persisted through hard times both economically and politically. We want to share our culture [with] the community and through the CanadaWorld TV all the community will get closer wherever we are in Canada and continue to be at peace with each other.”
Ley Navarro
Chairman, Manitoba Filipino Street Festival Inc., Manitoba
Introduction of news and information programming from a Canadian point of view on CanadaWorld TV . . . will meet an unfilled need and be greatly appreciated.
“Being Filipino is synonymous to many different words and coming together is one of them. We come together for the simplest of reasons or for the greatest ones. Introduction of news and information programming from a Canadian point of view on CanadaWorld TV specifically for the Filipino language community will meet an unfilled need and be greatly appreciated.”
Omar Guardado
Réalisateur de Dimension Latine et Deportes 514, Dimension Latina 101.5 FM, Montreal
L’équipe de Dimension Latine, est heureux d’appuyer sans réserve de demande…de CanadaWorld TV . . .
“L’équipe de Dimension Latine, est heureux d’appuyer sans réserve de demande…de CanadaWorld TV, un nouveau service national multilingue de television multiethnique offrant des émissions de nouvelle et d’information. Dimension Latine est une émission de radio de musique latine qui a comme objectif de promouvoir l’essence et la richesse de la culture latine. C’est ainsi qu’avec plus de 15 ans d’histoire, l’émission est devenue une référence pour les passionnés de la culture latine.”
Dave Antonucci
President, Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association (CIBPA), Ontario
We believe that the CanadaWorld TV service is important as Canada is a nation of immigrants and many arrive with limited or no knowledge of English or French
“We believe that the CanadaWorld TV service is important as Canada is a nation of immigrants and many arrive with limited or no knowledge of English or French. For these Canadians, receiving news, information, public affairs and entertainment programs in their language of comfort can help them to thrive in Canada’s multicultural society. Our ongoing partnerships with TLN over the years has demonstrated their commitment to ethnic communities. Having a channel that is majority owned by immigrants and run by our most dedicated ethnic TV operators, makes CanadaWorld TV a powerful new voice that will not get lost amongst the same giant companies that already dominate the media and telecom industry in Canada.”
Reddy Sampath
President & COO, Cameraworld Productions International Inc.
I believe there is room for ample improvement in Canada’s multicultural programming.
“Approximately three years ago, Cameraworks was successful in producing a high quality, HD 13-part, half-hour cultural program which aired weekly on CityTV via a third-party broadcaster. We had approached Rogers OMNI TV directly; however, this network was not at all supportive nor flexible despite full funding having been secured. I believe there is room for ample improvement in Canada’s multicultural programming. For this reason, I stand behind and support the application of Telelatino Network and Asian Television Network International Limited to create and manage CanadaWorld TV.”
Ricky Bajaj
President, Arts & Culture Initiative of South Asia, Ontario
. . . extremely happy to work with them in the future as they are doing a great job to promote community events like ours.
“We totally support this application above by ATN and its partners. We have known ATN for many years and we are confident that they, together with their partners, have the necessary experience to properly operate this channel. We worked together with ATN for our first ever Vibrant Brampton festival & will be extremely happy to work with them in the future as they are doing a great job to promote community events like ours.”
Alvin Koh Relleve
President, Metro Vancouver Philippine Arts & Cultural Exposition [MVPACES]
. . . we have the influence, collective trust and support of our people.
“The undersigned is pleased to express full support for CanadaWorld TV…We believe that, as a recognized lead organization of the Filipino community, with full control and management of the largest gathering of Filipino Canadians in BC, we have the influence, collective trust and support of our people.”
Beau Cappella
BIA Board Chair, Hillcrest Village Business Improvement Area, Ontario
It is through their dedication to excellence, spirit for multiculturalism, and constant professionalism that [Salsa on St. Clair] . . . has grown to become one of Toronto’s premier events.
“I have had the pleasure of working with Telelatino for the past fourteen years in the execution of Salsa On St.Clair. It is through their dedication to excellence, spirit for multiculturalism, and constant professionalism that [Salsa on St. Clair] an idea to create a Latin based street festival has grown to become one of Toronto’s premier events.”
Vanessa Case
Senior Media Executive
CanadaWorld TV has presented an application that meets the audience needs of the diverse cultures living coast to coast across Canada . . .
“CanadaWorld TV has presented an application that meets the audience needs of the diverse cultures living coast to coast across Canada and who deserve the same quality and attention to content in their native language, as any all-English service would receive. They are addressing the key challenge of launching a new service by listening to the customer and hearing their wishes, recognizing the diversity of Canadians and the need for a quality channel offering, speaking to the many generations of multi-ethnic Canadians and partnering with other like-minded services who have the reach to support this channel initiative. Also, by recognizing a channel today can’t be a one-theme-fits all offering and ensuring the types of content, the languages offered and the access to the content is available for all multi-ethnic Canadians. This application is a fresh approach to launching a new service in Canada and would be a welcome addition to the channel and VOD offerings for all Canadians to access.”
Tess Cusipag
Editor and Publisher, Balita Media Inc., Ontario
CanadaWorld TV will address content needs for over 800,000 Filipinos across the country.
“Introduction of news and programs specifically for the Filipino community, from a Canadian perspective on CanadaWorld TV will address content needs for over 800,000 Filipinos across the country.”
Tony D’Aversa
President, Big Paper Industria SRL, Ontario
First and foremost, the presence of new national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service provides consumers more choice and better representation.
“I firmly believe in active citizenship hence I am writing to express my opinion on the merits of the above application. They are as follows:
- First and foremost, the presence of new national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service provides consumers more choice and better representation.
- Expanded choice enhances diversity, culture and heritage, while improving quality and sophistication of T.V programming.
- New opportunities for programming to cover under-reported places or issues or provides more analysis or depth.
- Continued growth in multilingual multi-ethnic audience, where TLN is an industry segment leader.”
Resty del Rosario
C.G.A, CPA, President, Kalayaan Cultural Community Centre, Mississauga, Ontario
Having news and information programming from a Canadian point of view on CanadaWorld TV specifically for the Filipino language community will meet an unfilled need and be greatly appreciated by the close to 1 million Filipino population in Canada.
Joseph Gulizia
President & CEO, UniversalCare
. . . I am confident that Telelatino Network Inc. and Asian Television Network will be able to successfully meet the needs of this segment.
“As an operator of over 12 senior residences in Ontario, providing care and services to over 1100 residents and employing over 1200 individuals that identify themselves from a multitude of different cultures and languages….I am pleased to submit my full support for…CanadaWorld TV, as I am confident that Telelatino Network Inc. and Asian Television Network will be able to successfully meet the needs of this segment.”
Frank Falcone
President & Creative Director, GURU Studio
. . . pleased to express full support for the…application for CanadaWorld TV
“….pleased to express full support for the…application for CanadaWorld TV, a new national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service offering news and information programming….As President and Executive Creative Director at Guru Studio, I am considered an industry leader in animated storytelling and content creation for the Canadian and international market.”
Jonathan Freedman
Emerald Sky Pictures Corp.
There are very few people in the multicultural space here in Canada that know more about how to program content for a Canadian multicultural television or online customers than Aldo Di Felice.
“Please accept this letter as an unquestionable show of support for Aldo Di Felice’s application for a new channel called, CanadaWorld TV. There are very few people in the multicultural space here in Canada that know more about how to program content for a Canadian multicultural television or online customers than Aldo Di Felice. His tremendous experience in the multicultural environment is only matched by the excellent team he surrounds himself with…
My professional history has taken me from studio productions with YTV to numerous film & television shows working as a member of the Directors Guild of Canada…internationally to PlayStation Europe for 5 years….[and] returned to Toronto to join TELUS to help launch TELUS TV….[then] I joined ROGERS where I spent 10 years in the Cable environment negotiating broadcast deals and running the internal production team where I launched the ROGERS multicultural Barker Channel….Aldo Di Felice brings to the table his passion for the Canadian television industry, passion for the multicultural community, and a clear vision of what the Canadian multicultural TV viewer is looking for.”
Kurian Prakkanam
President, Brampton Malayalee Samajam
We are confident that ATN and its partners…would do justice to our multicultural communities with this license.
“Brampton Malayalee Samajam is a non-profit, non-political, secular and cultural organization whose principal objective is that of preserving and maintaining the culture and heritage of Kerala and also to promote Malayalam language. We are confident that ATN and its partners…would do justice to our multicultural communities with this license.”
Enzo Moreno
Director, Centro Cultural Latinoamericano
We need a voice that truly represents us in the Canadian context, in a wide diversity of cultural and political aspects . . .
“We need a voice that truly represents us in the Canadian context, in a wide diversity of cultural and political aspects and because of that reason we stand behind CanadaWorld TV…We also believe CanadaWorld TV is the best proposal being considered because it will be controlled by multicultural media leaders with decades of experience instead of the same giant companies that already dominate the media and telecom industry in Canada. Specifically, we are fully confident in Aldo Di Felice of TLN and Dr. Shan Chandrasekar of ATN, both industry leaders with long and distinguished track records in multicultural TV who have demonstrated their ongoing support for Canadian diverse communities.”
Muriel Rosilio
President, Farrago Media
We know that television that reflects the nation is positive for diversity, which is the fabric of Canada.
“Farrago Media Inc. provides the services of an agent bringing great programming from Canadian and International producers and story tellers to the Canadian television and media landscape. We know that television that reflects the nation is positive for diversity, which is the fabric of Canada. We see that CanadaWorld TV’s mandate will support these communities through its diverse programming in different languages and targeted to different ethnicities.”
Gustavo D. Garcia
Hollywood Times Media Production
I am an immigrant myself and a proud business owner…I know this channel will be a huge benefit to have, from providing jobs to giving the immigrant community something they can enjoy and understand in their various languages.
Frank Scarpitti
Mayor, Town of Markham
I highly recommend this group to be granted this license as I believe that they would be most reliable in fulfilling the mandate set out, for all communities across Canada.
Myrna Kahan
Independent Producer/TV Host
I support the CANADA WORLD TV application…[as it includes] an extensive free companion video on demand service . . .
“My production company, Myrna Kahan Productions and myself, have been involved with Telelatino Network for many years and we have been collaborating on innovative content, reporting from different areas of the world, providing our unique Canadian perspective to our many viewers across our great nation…I support the CANADA WORLD TV application…[as it includes] an extensive free companion video on demand service that lets viewers watch the news and information programming from the main channel plus even more shows on demand in even more ways and even more languages…exactly what is necessary to service the diversity of needs and interests of Canadians in 40 languages. This VOD initiative will in the long term be the most valuable aspect of the service based on the way consumers watch content.”
Dr. Peter Simon
President & CEO, The Royal Conservatory of Music
We are confident that ATN and its partners in this application would do justice to our multicultural communities with this license.
“The Royal Conservatory has been well known for the recognition of international Artists of the highest caliber and the promotion of World Music….We are aware that ATN has been a pioneer in Multilingual Broadcasting across Canada for well over three decades.. We are confident that ATN and its partners in this application would do justice to our multicultural communities with this license.”
Honourable Francesco Sorbara
Member of Parliament, Vaughan-Woodbridge
By providing new multilingual and multi-ethnic networks and services that reach different cultural communities, we are responding to the ever-evolving social fabric of our country.
“I am pleased to express my support for the…application for CanadaWorld TV…As the representative of a riding rich with cultural diversity, I understand the importance of this application. By providing new multilingual and multi-ethnic networks and services that reach different cultural communities, we are responding to the ever-evolving social fabric of our country.”
Anna Sottile
Owner & Operator, Italy at Home
CanadaWorld TV can be a powerful new voice.
“I support the CanadaWorld TV application for a number of important reasons…[mainly] that it is led by experienced independent minorities. CanadaWorld TV can be a powerful new voice. CanadaWorld TV will be in the hands of Canada’s two most experienced ethnic specialty TV broadcasters. TLN offers 11 TV channels in 3 languages. And ATN serves Canada’s diverse communities with 54 specialty television channels. Plus ATN and TLN are involved in radio, live events, production and international distribution. Being majority owned by immigrants and run by our most dedicated and experienced ethnic TV operators. This important service will be the focus, and not get lost in the balance sheet of a multibillion dollar telecommunications company.”
Ann Stewart
CEO, Wavemaker
. . . pleased to express full support for [this] application for a new national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service . . .
“…pleased to express full support for [this] application for a new national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service offering news and information programming, called CanadaWorld TV, which, if licensed, would receive mandatory distribution on the basic service pursuant to section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act….[I have] over 25 years of diverse media experience ranging from strategic planning, operations, buying and selling of media. [I have] also been a media co-chair for Canada’s premiere awards, such as MIA’s, Atomics and represented Canada in Cannes media judging.”
Peter Gentile
Independent Producer, MDF Productions, Ontario
Telling our stories to ourselves and internationally helps us become a stronger nation and is a positive role model at a time in history where people are desperately looking for them.
“As the son of immigrants, I know first-hand the value of having a window into my cultural heritage as well as the world around me. It has stimulated and challenged me to tell stories that build bridges of understanding which many identify with. Canada is a positive example to the world and our support and integration of immigrant communities is one of the reasons why this is so. This initiative lead by TLN and ATN will reinforce and develop our country’s leadership role globally even further. Telling our stories to ourselves and internationally helps us become a stronger nation and is a positive role model at a time in history where people are desperately looking for them.”
Phil Goddard
President, Consumer Media Solutions lnc., Ontario
. . . CanadaWorld TV would be a wonderful fit for TLN given their vast experience within a multi-language broadcast environment.
“Consumer Media Solutions lnc. is a media sales organization formed in 2005. Within our company, we have been selling television advertising on a national level with a staff of seasoned TV sales reps. We have previously worked in a sales representation capacity with TLN and find them to be a competent and creative broadcaster. ln our view, CanadaWorld TV would be a wonderful fit for TLN given their vast experience within a multi-language broadcast environment.”
Professor Rafael Gomez
Director Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, University of Toronto, Ontario
TLN proved to be an excellent partner for our students . . .
“I am writing as the Director of the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources at the University of Toronto, who worked with TLN on an experiential learning course with Masters Students from our Centre and the Rotman School of Management here at the University. TLN proved to be an excellent partner for our students and their educational experience was hugely enriched by working on a real world project of benefit to TLN and the broader community of stakeholders.”
Dr. Steve Gupta
Chairman & CEO/President & CEO, The Gupta Group/Easton’s Group of Hotels, Ontario
ATN helped us get the message out to the community and is a main-stay in the community.
“We have worked with ATN for over three decades and over these years we have worked on various events and initiatives together. ATN helped us get the message out to the community and is a main-stay in the community.
I am extremely confident that they, together with their partners, have the necessary experience to properly operate this channel. They have supported and satisfied our entire community over the years and have the experience to do the same in a very successful manner with this new channel.”
Adam Ivers
President & CEO, Highway Entertainment, Ontario
We applaud and support CanadaWorld TV for its plans to reach passionate and underserved audiences.
“The health of our business requires that we be able to reach all Canadians wherever they may be consuming media – and our clients’ advertisements resonate best when they are showcased within environments that are important to the consumers being reached. With the significant consolidation of the media environment that has taken place in Canada and internationally over recent years, many important consumer segments have been left underserved. We applaud and support CanadaWorld TV for its plans to reach passionate and underserved audiences.”
Raman Kurt
Arzeeyaan Entertainment, Ontario
I believe that they would be the most reliable in fulfilling the mandate set out, for all communities across Canada.
“ATN has been contributing in building up harmonious ties among the multicultural communities of Canada. They have always been kind to extend their support to the various community events held by our organization. Their staff and crew members have always demonstrated highest level of professionalism and responsibility at various occasions. I believe that they would be the most reliable in fulfilling the mandate set out, for all communities across Canada.”
Mohamed Lachemi
President and Vice-Chancellor, Ryerson University, Ontario
. . . this application resonates with the values of our university, the composition of our community and the changing demographics of our country.
“As President of Ryerson University, respected as a city builder and dedicated to the promotion of equity and community inclusion, this application resonates with the values of our university, the composition of our community and the changing demographics of our country. The Ryerson student body is among one of the most diverse in the country and it is one of our priorities to encourage initiatives that ensure they are supported, respected and have information services that meet their needs. We take very seriously our responsibility to make them feel welcome and included and believe that this application will make a contribution by providing information in multiple languages.”
Rhonda Lenton
President and Vice-Chancellor, York University, Ontario
ATN’s contribution to the multilingual and multicultural communities across Canada has been outstanding . . .
“CanadaWorld TV would greatly benefit by ATN’s participation, and York will greatly benefit from CanadaWorld TV’s presence. This year, we have 6,200 international students from 178 countries, nearly 17,000 undergraduate and graduate students who hold an international citizenship, and many students who are part of immigrant families. Together, we can help our communities thrive in our multicultural society in Canada. ATN’s contribution to the multilingual and multicultural communities across Canada has been outstanding, and I am confident that ATN and their partners have the necessary experience and proven track record to make a truly sincere commitment to ensure the success of CanadaWorld TV.”
Moy Wong-Tam
Executive Director, Centre for Immigrant and Community Services, Ontario
Our vision is to have fully integrated newcomers who participate in and contribute to all spheres of Canadian society.
“Our vision is to have fully integrated newcomers who participate in and contribute to all spheres of Canadian society. We know the work and capacity of ATN and we are confident that they, together with their partners, have the necessary experience and capacity to properly operate a multi-lingual channel. They have provided valuable programming to the local community over the years and we believe that they can continue their new operation equally successfully.”
Donald Young
President, Those Canadians Media Group Inc., Ontario
This application is long overdue addition to the array of viewing choices Canadians enjoy. We live in a time of Globalization. A time of multiculturalism. A time of wanting to know more about the lives of others.
“This application is long overdue addition to the array of viewing choices Canadians enjoy. We live in a time of Globalization. A time of multiculturalism. A time of wanting to know more about the lives of others. Time and time again Canadians have shown an unparalleled willingness to open their homes and their hearts to the tens of thousands of newcomers who arrive on our shore annually. We also live in a time of so-called ‘fake-news’. CanadaWorld TV will help clear away the clutter through the misinformation as their professional programmers bring the stories of “others” into our homes.
As a media professional with almost 40 years’ experience, I am keenly aware that the viewer of today harbours an almost insatiable demand for information of substance – and CanadaWorld TV offers exactly that. It is also an undertaking which will create jobs and opportunities in the media content space. More fundamentally however this initiative will serve to bring the world closer together while making Canada a home for us all.”
Jean Mercier
Independent Producer, Merceir Films Inc., Quebec
CanadaWorld TV pourra souligner et saluer avec l’art sous toutes ses formes qui toujours dissout toutes les frontièrs.
“CanadaWorld TV pourra souligner et saluer avec l’art sous toutes ses formes qui toujours dissout toutes les frontièrs. Embrasser les racines de chacun au quotidien, tout en étant simplement les meilleurs amis, les joyeux et précieux voisins, une communauté tissée serrée engagée dans l’amour d’un pays uni dans sa diversité et le respect pour tous à travers une solide identité Canadienne qui défie toutes less comparaisons, pour savoir se tenir debout souvent contre vents et marées avec amour et compassion pour toutes les croyances, toutes les appartenances.
CanadaWorld TV peut mener cette mission d’une main assurée tout en gardant l’indépendance nécessaire pour rejoinder les différents intervenants de tous les milleux pour les réunir, ou pour aider à nous les faire découvrir et apprécier de tous dans la joie infinie de la bonne entente et surtout du respect mutuel qui doit à tout prix être protégé comme étant rien de moins que notre plus grande richesse naturelle.”
Scott Lund
CEO, SWSE Sports & Entertainment, Ontario
Our relationship with international audiences is key to our success, it only makes sense that we support more international entertainment as CanadaWorldTV will supply.
“The undersigned is pleased to express full support for the above-captioned application for CanadaWorldTV, a new national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service offering news and information programming.
SW Sports and Entertainment operates the Sudbury Wolves of the OHL, The Sudbury Five of NBL Canada and the Sudbury Spartans of the NFC. We are committed to entertain Northern Ontario with world class fan experiences. Our relationship with international audiences is key to our success, it only makes sense that we support more international entertainment as CanadaWorldTV will supply.”
Carmine D. Marcantonio
Former Footballer
In essence, CanadaWorldTV will be the new national channel where every newcomer to Canada can tune in and find a voice that can speak to them in their own language . . .
“Mr. Doucet, I believe CanadaWorldTV can truly become the envy of the world as it will embody the true spirit of what Canada is: a nation where everyone is welcomed, everyone can feel proud of their origins while growing to become fiercely “Canadian”. In essence, CanadaWorldTV will be the new national channel where every newcomer to Canada can tune in and find a voice that can speak to them in their own language while at the same time being able to assimilate and unite as a people.”
Valerie McMorran
EVP Investment, Starcom, Ontario
CanadaWorld represents . . . relevant and meaningful content that will resonate with millions of Canadians . . .
“At the heart of Starcom, a media planning and buying agency, is Human Experience Connections Planning. Consumer insights and human truths are at the core of our strategic planning framework. Relevant meaningful content is key to activating and bringing these experiences to life for consumers, on behalf of our clients. CanadaWorld represents such content; relevant and meaningful content that will resonate with millions of Canadians because it will be about Canada and its multicultural fabric. It will broadcast in a minimum of 20 languages, providing news, information public affairs, and entertainment to Canadians in the language that matters most to them. Furthermore, CanadaWorld will be in hands of Canada’s respected and experienced ethnic specialty TV broadcasters, TLN & ATN.”
Campo Brothers
Independent Producers, Norwind Film
. . . a service such as CanadaWorld TV would be a successful initiative . . .
“…We have worked with TLN on many of our original projects and have always found their President, Aldo Di Felice and his executive management team to be very professional, highly skilled and experienced and extremely passionate about what they do. As a lead partner on this application, we believe a service such as CanadaWorld TV would be a successful initiative in their capable hands.”
Erlinda Olalia-Carin
Chairperson, Philippine Festival Mississauga, Ontario
Introduction of news and information programming from a Canadian point of view on CanadaWorld TV . . . will meet an unfilled . . .
“Introduction of news and information programming from a Canadian point of view on CanadaWorld TV specifically for the Filipino language community will meet an unfilled need and would be greatly appreciated.”
Peter Comito
President & CEO, SelectcomTelecom
We are pleased to express full support for . . . CanadaWorld TV . . .
“We are pleased to express full support for . . . CanadaWorld TV . . . Selectcom Telecom . . . is one of Canada’s leading providers . . . of telecommunication services . . . and has been actively serving the multicultural communities within Quebec and the rest of Canada.”
Mauricio Ospina
Canadian Hispanic Business Alliance, Ontario
“The undersigned is pleased to express full support for the…application for CanadaWorld TV. Since 2007, the Hispanic Business Alliance has established its prestigious reputation as the only national Hispanic group capable of having a presence across the country to promote entrepreneurship and the image of Hispanics in Canada. Our guests meet face-to-face with some of the most influential Hispanic and non Hispanic leaders of our history. Our main program is the “10 most influential Hispanic Canadians”. Since 2007, the ’10 most’, only national program within our community officially and personally recognized by a Prime Minister, highlights outstanding Hispanics from across the nation. It has had a presence in Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Saskatchewan.”
Danton Thurairajah
Executive Director, Canadian Tamil Congress, Ontario
We are confident that ATN and its partners in this application would do justice to our multicultural communities with this license.
“The Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC) is a non-profit organization with hundreds of members across Canada. Headquartered in Toronto, CTC strives to be the voice of Tamil Canadians and represents the community’s concerns at the municipal, provincial and federal levels. The non-partisan organization upholds Canadian values of equality, volunteerism, human rights and multiculturalism.
CTC’S association with ATN goes back many years and we are proud of their achievements this far in broadcasting. They have assisted our community in such a professional and informative manner over the years at no charge. We are confident that ATN and its partners in this application would do justice to our multicultural communities with this license. We highly recommend that this group be granted this license.”
Peter Volk
Wildeboer Dellelce LLP, Ontario
I know the importance of support to the various cultures that make Canada so great and I heartily endorse the CanadaWorld TV application.
“Finally, with my siblings, over the past six years I have sponsored and managed a charity golf tournament in memory of my deceased eldest brother, which raised over $750,000 for Right To Play, an organization dedicated to teaching self-worth through play to disadvantaged children around the world. I know the importance of support to the various cultures that make Canada so great and I heartily endorse the CanadaWorld TV application.”
Filippo Campo
Director, Teasdale-Corti Foundation, Quebec
CanadaWorld TV will also extend its reach globally to showcase to the world what we all love about living in Canada.
“CanadaWorld TV will also extend its reach globally to showcase to the world what we all love about living in Canada. Because Canada is a model for the world, admired globally for having a society that is the world’s best example of multiculturalism that works.
We also support the CanadaWorld TV application as it is created and controlled by immigrant Canadians who are multicultural media leaders with long and distinguished track records in ethnic TV. Specifically, we are referring to Mr. Aldo Di Felice of TLN and Dr. Shan Chandrasekar of ATN who have demonstrated their ongoing support for Canadian multicultural communities.”
Elpidio Caraballo
Directeur, Fundacion SIN LIMITES [FUSILIM], Québec
Nous croyons fortement au projet Canada World TV parce que notre communauté à besoin d’une chaine de TV gratuite en notre langue.
“Le soussigné est heureux d’appuyer sans reserve la demande susmentionnée de CanadaWorld TV, un nouveau service national multilingue de television multiethnique offrant des émissions de nouvelles et d’information.
La foundation SIN LIMITES est un organisme à but non lucrative que depuis 2016 aide les jeunes latino-américaines et les personnes en situation de pauverté. Notre organisme travaille auprès de la communauté hispanique de Montréal. Nous croyons fortement au projet Canada World TV parce que notre communauté à besoin d’une chaine de TV gratuite en notre langue.”
Angelo Iacono
Chambre des Communes (House of Commons), Canada
. . . je soutiens un service national de television multilingue à caractère multiethnique pluriel.
“Pour ces raisons, je soutiens un service national de television multilingue à caractère multiethnique pluriel. En effet, je crois fermement qu’en ouvrant la porte à plus d’un distributeur, nous assurons l’intérêt de nos communautés allophones au Canada puisqu’ouvrir le marchè est un moyen efficace d’assurer une offer de qualité pour ces communautés. De cette façon, nous continuons d’inclure nos citoyens en celebrant leurs experiences, leurs histoires et, ultimement, leurs contributions à la construction du Canada.”
Marcus Anderson
President, Broadplay Inc.
Broadplay’s president, Marcus Anderson is of Jamaican-Canadian origin and sees clearly the need for ethnic programming to be driven by interests . . .
“Broadplay’s president, Marcus Anderson is of Jamaican-Canadian origin and sees clearly the need for ethnic programming to be driven by interests other than those of entrenched corporate. He is a B.Sc. from the University of Toronto and an MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business. He was the founder of the most successful wireless marketing program in Canada to date, the Pink Phone breast cancer donation cell phone program.”
Steve Dale
This channel can benefit all Canadians and will help unify individuals within this wonderful country
“As a new Canadian the adjustment to a new country, a new way of doing things and new languages can be a struggle. As a fellow human, isn’t it our work to ease their trials and tribulations? This channel can benefit all Canadians and will help unify individuals within this wonderful country. This channel provides an outlet and can reach all Canadians. I am personally in support of this channel: my entire firm is in support of this channel. I welcome the opportunity advocate on behalf of the INEX PMG.”
“I encourage the review panel to consider the positive impact to Canada this channel can bring. Set the example for the rest of the world to see.“
Carlo Liconti
President, Leader Media
CanadaWorldTV will be in the hands of Canada’s two most experienced ethnic specialty TV broadcasters.
“Led by Experienced Independent Minorities: CanadaWorldTV can be a powerful new voice. CanadaWorldTV will be in the hands of Canada’s two most experienced ethnic specialty TV broadcasters. TLN offers 11 TV channels in 3 languages. And ATN serves Canada’s diverse communities with 54 specialty television channels. Plus ATN and TLN are involved in radio, live events, production and international distribution. Being majority owned by immigrants and run by our most dedicated ethnic TV operators, this important service will not get lost in the balance sheet of a multibillion dollar telecommunications company.”
Tony Nardi
Actor/Independent Producer
A dynamic collaboration between CanadaWorld TV and CBC . . . levels the playing field and helps define Canadian culture as an inclusive as opposed to exclusive process and practice.
“The CanadaWorld TV and CBC (Canada’s national public broadcaster) alliance and commitment to collaborate on news, public affairs and documentary programming is long overdue. Too many minoritized communities are presently being ignored by Canada’s public and private television networks. The fact that these networks are also online only accentuates the invisibility of the “other.” A dynamic collaboration between CanadaWorld TV and CBC, in which experienced professionals (from TLN and ATN), who know and understand the immigrant, can inform, lead and be open to culturally-specific content, levels the playing field and helps define Canadian culture as an inclusive as opposed to exclusive process and practice.”
Vince Papa
President, Ancaster Pope Advertising Ltd.
“The undersigned is pleased to express full support for the…application for CanadaWorld TV…As Principal of Ancaster Pope Advertising Ltd., I have had the pleasure of serving Diverse/Ethnic markets for the past 23 years. We are a full service agency that recognizes the importance of cultural mixture in the Canadian broadcast landscape.”